National Open University, NOUN How To Fund Your Portal Wallet Via Online
(credit/debit card, ussd e.t.c)
How To Fund Your NOUN Portal Wallet Via Online. We discovered many students have been having issues making payments online without visiting the bank, to make your payments follow the steps below.
Generate a remita code (RRR) from your portal
1. Login to your portal and click on E-wallet it’ll display submenus
2. Click Generate Remitta number and a payment form will open
3. Enter your email, phone number, and amount
4. Under Payment Type: Select Bank Branch
5. Click Pay and your RRR would be generated. It’s 12 digits e.g.2334-3445-0833
NOTE: copy the RRR
6. After copying the RRR, close your browser and visit
7. Click on pay an invoice
8. Now input your RRR into the box provided below Pay Electronic Invoice, and click continue
9. It will display an invoice displaying your RRR, name, amount, beneficiary, phone number and email, here you don’t have to edit anything just click on submit
10. Then a page will be displayed showing Card, Bank Branch, USSD, Internet Banking and Wallet. Kindly choose any of your choice and proceed with payment. For card payment kindly choose card and insert your card number, card expiring date and cvv. Then click pay, it will redirect you to a page asking for your bank OTP, kindly check your phone as OTP will be sent to your phone, insert the OTP and submit that’s all. Make sure to save and download your receipt which will be displayed after payment
For USSD payment kindly choose USSD and select your bank, a code will be displayed, dial the code from your phone and follow the prompts.
For internet banking kindly choose internet banking and click pay, a page will open kindly fill your internet banking details.
For wallet kindly click on wallet and select paga, insert your username, phone number or email and continue.
Login to your portal and click “Credit RRR” under “E-Wallet“. Enter your RRR in the box Remove the hyphens in between the numbers 3322-4322-5433
332243225433 and click CREDIT RRR, only then is your Wallet credited!
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