IELTS Practice/Sample Test: Download Previous Year IELTS Sample Papers PDFs Here;

IELTS Mock Test: Commonly referred to as IELTS, the International English Language Testing System is an examination that measures the language proficiency of candidates who wish to pursue education  abroad or work in locations where English is used as a language of communication. And IELTS mock test help candidates to better their performance before they actually appear for their test. To be able to excel in the IELTS examination, candidates are always advised to attempt as many IELTS Practice/ Sample papers as possible. Candidates who appear for the IELTS examination or attempt IELTS sample papers are graded on a nine-band scale to clearly identify their levels of proficiency of the English language, from non-user (band score 1) through to expert (band score 9). You can check out the below provided IELTS practice test to prepare for the exam. The IELTS mock test is specially designed for IELTS Academic aspirants to learn about the real exam questions.

Why attempt IELTS Mock Test?

IELTS Practice Test: Preparing for the IELTS through reliable study material is only half the battle won. Candidates are always advised to solve as many IELTS Mock Test as possible. Solving IELTS practice papers would provide candidates an extra edge to be able to perform well in their IELTS examination. Candidates are advised to use the IELTS practice material available on the official IELTS website to the fullest to familiarize themselves with the latest IELTS test format, experience the different types of tasks, and finally self-evaluate answers and compare them with model solutions. For the latest practice tests, click here.

Candidates looking to give the IELTS exam can look at the IELTS reading practice test below. Familiarise yourself with these IELTS practice tests and learn what kind of questions you are going to get in the IELTS test. The test questions come with the answer keys, so you can check your answers and compare your result after completing the test. The numerous questions in the free IELTS reading practice test will help you in preparing for the actual exam.

IELTS Academic Reading Set 1 IELTS Academic Reading Set 7
IELTS Academic Reading Set 2 IELTS Academic Reading Set 8
IELTS Academic Reading Set 3 IELTS Academic Reading Set 9
IELTS Academic Reading Set 4 IELTS Academic Reading Set 10
IELTS Academic Reading Set 5 IELTS Academic Reading Set 11
IELTS Academic Reading Set 6 IELTS Academic Reading Set 12

Below we have given the IELTS Writing task 1 sample with answers and IELTS Writing task 2 samples.

Why You Should Take an IELTS Mock Test?

“Practice makes a man perfect” – similarly solving as many IELTS Practice Test as possible would allow the candidate to get closer to his goal to perform well in his IELTS exam. Candidates should note that these exams are expensive and acing it in the first attempt would save them a lot of money and time as they would not have to attempt it again. Moreover, we as students are not always very confident with our English communication skills, attempting IELTS Mock Test are only going to make us better in the English language. Whenever you are working on IELTS sample papers make sure you go through the different sections whether it is IELTS Listening practice test, IELTS writing task samples or IELTS academic reading practice test.

How to Take an IELTS Practice Test?

Candidates should watch this space for our very own IELTS mock test paper that we would be creating for our readers. In the meantime, candidates are advised to only refer to the official website for IELTS Practice Test papers. In India, IELTS is conducted by IDP, and Cambridge Assessment English. Hence, candidates are advised to refer to the official IDP or Cambridge Assessment English website for IELTS Practice Test material. Candidates can also refer to the official British Council website for IELTS Mock test.

Taking the IELTS Practice Test is simple. Candidates can either sit for the IELTS Mock Test online and complete the test within the given duration which is a replica of the test as it would happen at the centre or download the IELTS Mock Test free and solve the paper. It is very important to time yourself and follow the guidelines to get the feel of the actual test. While a lot of the IELTS Practice Test material would be available for free, there would also be practice material that you can purchase.

Learning from Your Mistakes in IELTS Practice Test

A lot of times candidates wonder about the benefits of appearing for IELTS Practice Tests. The answer is simple, the benefits are multiple. Appearing for IELTS Practice Tests is a self-evaluation tool. You learn about your mistakes first hand and rectify them. The main purpose of this tool is to measure the effectiveness of your study plan and get to know how prepared you are to take the real test. Most colleges have a cut off that depends on the choice of course and university and it is important to achieve a similar score or higher. Hence, IELTS online Practice Tests help you to learn from your mistakes so that you are able to ace your exam in the first attempt and achieve your desired score.

Looking for more IELTS Question Papers?

Are you interested in solving more IELTS Sample papers? Check out extensive IELTS Practice Papers from leading publications, here:

IELTS Key Points

  1. IELTS Test dates are available throughout the year
  2. There are 78 IELTS Test Centres spread across India
  3. The IELTS test scores are declared within 13 days
  4. The IELTS score is valid for two years from the date of the examination
  5. IELTS examination is aimed to provide a valid and accurate assessment of the English language

Types of IELTS

IELTS is available to candidates in two formats, IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training. The two different formats of the IELTS examination serve different purposes. The main focus of the IELTS examination is to provide a valid and accurate assessment of the four language skills namely listening, reading, writing, and speaking.

  • IELTS Academic: The IELTS Academic is for candidates who are looking to apply for higher education or professional registration whereas
  • IELTS General Training: The IELTS General Training is for candidates looking to migrate to Australia, Canada, and the UK or applying for secondary education, training programs, and work experience in an English-speaking environment.

IELTS Test Pattern consists of four modules

  • IELTS Listening
  • IELTS Reading
  • IELTS Writing
  • IELTS Speaking

IELTS Test Pattern

For candidates to ace their IELTS Sample papers they should be well versed with the latest IELTS Syllabus. They should also be aware of the latest IELTS Test Format to be able to perform well in their English examination. Here is the latest IELTS exam syllabus/ format for the four basic language skills.

Skill IELTS Test Description No. of Questions / Total Duration (mins)
Reading Syllabus The reading module consists of three passages of general interest. Questions: 40Duration: 30 mins
Writing Syllabus This module consists of providing information in your own words. Questions: 02Duration: 60mins
Listening Syllabus This module consists of a conversation on different topics. Questions: 40Duration: 30mins
Speaking Syllabus This module consists of testing your general speaking skills. Questions: 03Duration: 11-14 mins

Candidates wanting to excel in their next IELTS Examination need to put in their best efforts and above all have a good command over the English language. The following IELTS preparations tips are only going to help candidates in achieving a better IELTS score in their IELTS Practice tests and the final examination.

IELTS Exam Prep Tips

  • Reading: The Reading section of the IELTS consists of three passages of increasing difficulty, and there is a total of 40 questions to answer. A variety of question types are used in order to test a wide range of reading skills.
  • Writing: The Writing section of the IELTS exam includes two tasks. Task 1 requires candidates to write an essay in response to a point of view, argument or problem. Task 2 requires candidates to interpret a diagram in their own words.
  • Listening: In the Listening section of the IELTS, candidates would be required to listen to four recorded texts, monologues, and conversations by a range of native speakers, and answer a series of questions that follow.
  • Speaking: The Speaking section of the IELTS tests the candidates speaking ability and vocal clarity. This segment includes a one-to-one interaction between the student and an examiner.

Study Material for IELTS

There are various options available when it comes to buying a good IELTS preparatory guide. However, the final selection would depend on a candidate’s current English level. Candidates who plan to prepare on their own for their IELTS Practice Tests and IELTS Exam need to study from the best books and resources for IELTS which are easily available in the market. Candidates can also enroll with an authorized coaching center for preparing for IELTS. The British Council and IDP have their own official study guides and online preparation material that candidates can access for the examination. Candidates can also get in touch with the British Council for IELTS preparatory classes.

The IELTS examination is aimed at assessing the English language skills of candidates at all levels. Hence, students can never fail the IELTS. Candidates can expect their results to be declared online 13 calendar days, excluding the day of the examination. Candidates should keep in mind that the IELTS score is valid for two years from the date of the examination. Once you are familiar with the IELTS test pattern, make sure to visit IELTS previous papers and practice by solving the IELTS exam sample paper this will prepare you better for the test.


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