Facts about about NOUN Business Plan GST302 (Business Creation and Growth)
Table of Contents
When should I use a Business Plan?
This article is all about NOUN Business Plan GST302 (Business Creation and Growth). As you know, A Business Plan is essentially a tool for planning and education. It can be used to build the framework for your new or existing enterprise and to set goals for your business.
It can also be used by your startup as a way to present your ideas, sales projections, and plans for achieving your objectives to potential investors for funding purposes.
Ultimately, whether you plan to launch a company, transition from being a freelancer to a small business owner, or wish to recreate, improve, and organize your current business, a Business Plan is a helpful document for steering your business forward and informing others of your plans.
– On this page, we explain everything you need to know about GST302 – Business Creation and Growth
– GST302 – Business Plan Write up, Submission/Uploading, and Presentation Date
–Incubation Centres and SDG goals
–Frequently Asked Questions About GST302 Business Plan and How To Login Into GST Portal.
–GST302 Online Facilitation and Business Idea Grading System
GST302 – BUSINESS CREATION AND GROWTHis an entrepreneurship course meant for all 300 level Students of the National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN). It is a core course and a two (2) credit unit course.
GST302 has no TMA, Student’s who have registered for the course are expected to write a business plan and submit or upload their proposed business plan online on theGST PORTAL–(https://elearn.nouedu2.net/)The writing and submission of your business plan serve as a TMA for the course.
What is a business plan?
A business plan is a written document that describes the business goals and the ways in which you plan to achieve them. It also covers various other aspects of the company’s future program and can serve as an internal decision-making tool or business proposal to present to potential investors.
Who needs a business plan?
Those who start a business or have an existing business, including sole proprietors, general partners, members of limited liability companies (LLCs), and even corporations, should have a business plan in which they set out their strategies and goals for their business.
GST302 Business Plan Submission/Uploading and Presentation Date in 2021_2 Semester
Submission/Uploading and Presentation of GST302 business plan will commence from11th October 2021 – 30th November 2021.The presentation of business proposal will be carried out in two forms:- Physical presentation at the Incubation centres and an Online presentation on the zoom platform. A student is expected to choose one out of the two methods of presentation.
NOTE: if you are doing the online presentation, you are not going to do the physical presentation and vice versa.
GST302 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) For All Zones
The Directorate has initiated a new approach to Business Enterprise writing and presentation in line with global best practices.
In the light of this, student’s enterprise ideas must be focused on any of the four thematic areas and graded according to the rubric attached herein. We will commerce sensitization of students from7thSeptember to 20th2021.
The Thematic Areas.
- Agripreneur (with focus on meeting specified SDGs). Main business is agriculture or agriculture related. Agripreneur finds opportunities to make the most of agricultural products.
- Biotechnology (with focus on meeting specified SDGs). This is technology that uses biological systems, living organisms or parts of it to develop or create different products. Areas where biotechnology are mostly used are health care/medical (red), Production/industry (white), environment and crop production (green), and marine (blue).
- Green Education (with focus on meeting specified SDGs).This is a service sector which is expected to transform education in economy development with focus on environmental benefits and sustainability. Becoming environmentally friendly and ecologically responsible in terms of decisions and lifestyles. Green practices may include sustainable purchasing, electronics stewardship, transportation, pollinator protection, waste diversion, and pollution prevention
- Information Communication Technology – ICT (with focus on meeting specified SDGs).ICT services that can improve products and services in the various sectors of the economy. This may include software development or deployment.
How To Login Into GST302 Portal – ELEARN
You can follow this linkSteps For Working With GST TMA Portal – NOUN Learning Spaceor follow the steps below
- Go tohttps://elearn.nouedu2.net
- Use your matrix number for both the username and password (in lowercase)
For Example:-
USER NAME(use your matric number e.g nou190000019 ) Lowercase or small letters
PASSWORD(use your matric number e.g nou190000019 ) Lowercase or small letters
- Change your password
- Click on go toonline coursesbelow my courses
- Re-type your username and the new password
- Your courses will be displayed on the dashboard
How To Submit GST302 Business Plan
Now that you have followed the steps above to activate yourGST portal,follow the steps below to upload/submit your business plan.
- Login tohttps://elearn.nouedu2.net/
- Click onGo to Online Course
- Click onGST302
- Open all the links in the sections to tick all the boxes as part of participation
- Scroll down to Submission of Enterprise Ideas
- Click on the link for your Incubation centre, e.g. those in Akure or Ekiti are in the Southwest incubation centre, those in Calabar or delta are in the Southsouth incubation centre.
- Scroll down to click onAdd Submission
- Scroll down and click on the Add file icon. The first icon in the file selection section.
- A file selection box will open, click onChoose file
- select your business plan from the location it’s saved.
- In the save as box, we advise you should type your matric number so that it’d be saved as nou98765432.doc…
- Click onUpload This Fileand it’d be uploaded
- Finally, you’ll seeSave changesclick on it to complete the submission
- You can immediately book your presentation date, time, and mode.
- You can make your presentation online or in your incubation centre Link as a guide to making a presentation: https://youtu.be/az60xPks2rE
GST302 Online Presentation Procedures
- DOWNLOAD ZOOM APP, Go to https://zoom.us/download and from the Download Center, click on the Download button. For Android users, After that click on download from Google play. Allow the app to download and installed.
- Login to GST portal – https://elearn.nouedu2.net/login/index.php
- After Logging in, click on the dashboard where you’ll see your GST302 course.
- Scroll down a bit and click on SOUTHWEST 2021_2 PRESENTATION
- When the presentation page opens click on Join meeting at the top of the page.
- You’ll be redirected to the Zoom app.
- Once you’re on the zoom app, make sure your microphone is active.
- Make sure you have enough data on your phone
Most Likely Questions During GST302 Online Presentation
The following questions were usually asked from students:
i. What is your name and matric no?
ii. Your presentation within 2mims (That is Executive summary)
iii. What is the innovation in your business since many people are already into the business or how will your business be different from others or what gap do you want to fill.?
iv. Who are your target customers?
v. What is your SWOT analysis?
vi. What is your break-even point?
vii. How would you market your product?
viii. How much will your business cost (startup cost)?
ix. What is your organization structure?
x. Name some of your competitors in your area?
How To Join GST302 Online Facilitation
- Type the website: https://elearn.nouedu2.net/ on the browser.
- Enter your username and password
- Go to online courses
- Click on GST302
- Scroll down to South West Incubation Centre Meeting
- Click on it and join the meeting with the link that will always be sent to you.
- NOUN Online Lecture/Facilitation Timetable For 2021_1 Semester
Frequently Asked Questions About GST302 Business Plan
GST302 Course Title:Business Creation and Growth is a 2 unit compulsory course in 300level 2nd semester. Formally known as GST301 with
Course Title:Entrepreneurship Studies 1.
There is no TMA for Gst302.
Yes, You will write a CBT examination on Gst302 just like the normal e-exams.
Yes, Gst302 has a texts book, you can download the pdf on the school site (nou.edu.ng) and print the hardcopy just like other texts book, or go to your study centre after registration to collect the texts book if you need the pdf download via this link https://nou.edu.ng/sites/default/files/2018-10/GST%20302%20.pdf
A business plan is a write-up you will present to the school, explaining what it takes to start up a business, and how to manage the business well.
After writing the business plan, you will need to present it to the school, explaining what is in the write-up, you can do the presentation online, you can also do the presentation in your study centre.
The presentation starts on 2nd May – 31st May 2021.
We can help you prepare the write-up at an affordable price.Call/WhatsApp:- 08117413104
Once you have a write-up, you need to upload it on the GST site, then choose a day for your presentation.
Please, note that you need to create GST log in credential before you can access the site to upload your business plan, We have explained the step-by-step guide on this page.
GST302 Business Idea Grading System
1. Idea Scanning within your environment to locate a problem you can solve and then create a business around it
2 . The level of relevance of the business idea
3. Level of Innovation and Creativity:
• What is new in the product or service as compared to existing ones?
• What is the impact will it make on the users?
4. Level of Idea development
5. Demonstration of the Idea (Product or Service)
6. Idea Documentation (Business Plan)
• Executive Summary
• Product Idea and Description
• Proposed organizational structure
• Market Analysis
• Financial Analysis
Note: A business idea could either be a product or service. All students that registered for GST302 must prepare their innovative business idea proposals that will be presented at the incubation centre or real-time online.
All proposals must be typed and printed. If you have done No. 1 – 5, proceed to Business Plan and submit on the website.
WhatsApp: 08137981072
We have SPECIAL available NOUN Business Plan Topics on:
- NOUN Rice Farming Business Plan
- NOUN Bread Bakery Business Plan
- NOUN Poultry Farm Business Plan
- NOUN Zobo Drink Business Plan
- NOUN Fast Food Restaurant Business Plan
- NOUN Unisex Saloon Business Plan
- NOUN Hand Sanitizer Business Plan
- NOUN Men’s Shoe Production Business Plan
- Plantain Farming Business Plan
- NOUN fashionable clothes Business Plan
- NOUN Make-Up Artist Business Plan
- NOUN Poultry Farming/Egg Production Business Plan
- NOUN Primary School establishment/Setup Business Plan
- NOUN Pig feeds/Farming Business Plan
- NOUN Recharge Card vouchers Business
- NOUN E-commerce Business Setup Business Plan
- NOUN Cassava Farm Business Plan
Other Related Business Plan Topics are:
Business Plan on Agriculture Topics:
- Business Plan on Rice Retailing Executive Summary in Nigeria
- Business Plan on Mushroom Executive Summary in Nigeria
- Business Plan on Vegetable Farming Executive Summary
- Business Plan on Integrated Agribusiness Executive Summary
- Executive Summary of Maize Farming Business Plan in Nigeria
- Business Plan on Poultry Farming Executive Summary in Nigeria
- Business Plan on Groundnut Oil Executive Summary in Nigeria
- Business Plan on Ginger Farming Executive Summary in Nigeria
- Business Plan on Cocoa Farming Executive Summary in Nigeria
- Executive Summary of Tomatoes Business Plan in Nigeria
- Business Plan on Yam Executive Summary
- Business Plan on Rice Milling Executive Summary in Nigeria
- Business Plan on Hydroponics Vegetable Farm Executive Summary in Nigeria
- Business Plan on Snail Production and Processing Executive Summary In Nigeria
- Business Plan on Groundnut Farming and Processing Executive Summary in Nigeria
- Business Plan on Cotton Farming and Processing in Nigeria
National Open University, NOUN Business Plan On ICT Topics:
National Open University, NOUN Business Plan on Fashion/Events Topics:
- Executive Summary of Event Centre Business Plan in Nigeria
- Business Plan on Hair Salon Executive Summary in Nigeria
- Business Plan on BARBING SALON Executive Summary in Nigeria
National Open University, NOUN Business Plan On Manufacturing/ Production Topics:
- Business Plan on Tissue Manufacturing Executive Summary in Nigeria
- Business Plan on Iced Water Business Executive Summary in Nigeria
- Executive Summary of Shoes Making Business Plan in Nigeria
- Executive Summary of Furniture Business Plan in Nigeria
- Executive Summary of Nylon Business Plan in Nigeria
- Executive Summary of Paper Recycling Business Plan in Nigeria
- Business Plan onChemical ProductionExecutive Summary in Nigeria
National Open University, NOUN Business Plan On Food Production Topics:
- Executive Summary of Yoghurt Production Business Plan in Nigeria
- Business Plan onPopcorn Executive Summary
- Business Plan on Shea Butter Executive Summary in Nigeria
- Executive Summary of Beverage company Business Plan in Nigeria
- Executive Summary of Bakery Business Plan in Nigeria
- Executive Summary of Honey Business Plan in Nigeria
- Business Plan for Water Production Executive Summary
- Business Plan on Chin-chin Executive Summary in Nigeria
- Business Plan on Catering Executive Summary in Nigeria
- Business Plan on Provision Store Executive Summary in Nigeria
National Open University, NOUN Business PlanOn Health Topics
- Executive Summary of Herbal Business Plan in Nigeria
- Executive Summary of Moringa Business Plan in Nigeria
- Business Plan on Cosmetology Executive Summary in Nigeria
- Business Plan on Laboratory Equipment Executive Summary in Nigeria
- Executive Summary Laboratory Equipment Business Plan in Nigeria
National Open University, NOUN Business Plan on Animal Topics:
- Business Plan on Hide and Skin Leather Executive Summary in Nigeria
- Business Plan on Leather Tanning Executive Summary in Nigeria
- Business Plan on Meat Processing Executive Summary in Nigeria
National Open University, NOUN Business Plan onTransportation Topics:
- Executive Summary of Transportation Company Business Plan in Nigeria
- Business Plan on Logistics Business Executive Summary
- Business Plan on KEKE NAPEB (TRICYCLE) Executive Summary
National Open University, NOUN Business Plan on Setup Topics
- Executive Summary of Hotel Business Plan in Nigeria
- Executive Summary of Event Planning Business Plan in Nigeria
- Executive Summary of Block Industry Business Plan in Nigeria
- Retail Store Business Plan Executive Summary
National Open University, NOUN General Business Plan Topics:
- Business Plan on Quarry Executive Summary in Nigeria
- Executive Summary of Multimedia Business Plan in Nigeria
- Executive Summary of Secondary School Business Plan in Nigeria
- Executive Summary of Music Equipment Business plan in Nigeria
- Executive Summary of Coloring & Dyeing Clothing Business Plan in Nigeria
- Business Plan on Auto-repair Executive Summary in Nigeria
- Business Plan on Wood Working Executive Summary in Nigeria
National Open University, NOUN BUSINESS PLAN ON Services Topics:
- Business Plan on General Cleaning Executive Summary in Nigeria
- Business Plan on Postal And Shipping Executive Summary in Nigeria
- Business Plan on Environmental Consulting Service Executive Summary in Nigeria
- Business Plan on Administrative and General Management Consulting Service in Nigeria
- Business Plan on Mass Transit And Passenger Rail In Nigeria
- Business Plan On Legal, Compliance And Regulation In Nigeria
National Open University, NOUN BUSINESS PLAN ON Power/Energy Topics:
- Business Plan on Solar Executive Summary In Nigeria
- Business Plan on Renewable Energy Executive Summary in Nigeria
- Business Plan on Electricity Generation Executive Summary in Nigeria
National Open University, NOUNBUSINESS PLAN on Financial Sectors Topics:
- Business Plan On Banking Industry Executive Summary In Nigeria
- Business Plan on Financial Services Executive Summary in Nigeria
- Business Plan On Cryptocurrency Mining Executive Summary
- Business Plan On Bitcoin Mining Executive Summary
- Business Plan on Finance and Accounting Executive Summary in Nigeria
National Open University, NOUN Business Plan on Digital Topics:
- Business Plan On Digital Marketing Agency Executive Summary In Nigeria
- Business Plan on Media And Communication Executive Summary in Nigeria
National Open University, NOUN OIL AND GAS Topics: