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PTE Exam Registration 2024

PTE Registration 2024: Conducted by Pearson PLC Group,thePTE examassesses the written, spoken, skills of the candidates to ensure that they are capable of studying in the international environment, with a good grasp of the universal language of English. Candidates who are looking to register for the PTE exam are required to follow the steps mentioned below tobook their PTE exam slot. Agood score in the PTE testensures that candidates would be able to represent their ideas, deliver presentations, work to gain international exposure, and function on the international front in front of foreign audiences. This helps the applicants ensure that they are ready to study amidst students from all over the world and international faculty members in the universal official language.

Candidates would be glad to know that the conducting body of the PTE Exam,Pearson PLC Group has launched thePTE at Home. The PTE at Home is identical to the PTE test. However, the PTE at Home is held in the safety of the home of the candidate keeping student safety in mind. The conducting body has also shortened the total duration of the PTE exam from three hours to two hours with effect from November 16, 2021. Candidates canstay tuned to all the latest updates on the PTE exam on our website.

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PTE Registration 2024

Provided below are the steps to register for the PTE Exam

PTE Registration Step 1:Candidates are required to select their appropriate test and their goal for taking the test on the official Academic website:

PTE Registration Step 2: Candidates would be required to agree to the PTE Terms and Conditions to move to the next step.
PTE Registration Step 3: Candidates would be required to select their preferred PTE Test Centre, available date and time for their PTE Academic exam.
PTE_ Registration
PTE Registration Step 4a: They would get a confirmation page that would reflect their PTE exam – type, the PTE appointment details (Test Centre, Date and Time of the exam) and the PTE Fee.
PTE Registration Step 4b: once they are satisfied with their PTE appointment details thy would be required to go ahead with the payment for the PTE exam.
PTE Registration Step 5: The PTE exam fee has been revised to INR 14,700 including taxes and candidates can via any of the multiple payment options.
Once the payment has been made. Candidates can take a printout of the acknowledgement receipt. They would also have access to the same on their account dashboard.

PTE Eligibility

As such, there are no specific criteria set by the Pearson PLC Group – the conducting body of the PTE exam. However, according to thePTE Academic eligibility criteria, the following factors must be kept in mind.

PTE Exam Dates 2024

The PTE exam is conducted throughout the year at designated PTE test centres across the country. ThePTE exam dates 2024. might vary from centre to centre. Students must search for the seats available on the Pearson PTE Academic website. Simply select the test centres closest to you, and click next. The website would prompt you to the calendar with the available dates.

PTE Exam Centres

Here is alist of PTE Academic Exam test centresfor candidates looking to appear for their next PTE Academic Exam. Candidates are reminded to choose the PTE exam test centre that is most convenient for them to be able to perform their best on the day of the exam.

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