SAT Test Centers and Dates in Senegal;

According to the College Board, there are 2 test centers for SAT and SAT Subject Tests in Senegal. Please note that before you register either of the SAT exams, you should choose your test date and test location. Each testing location is affiliated with an educational institution, such as high school, community college, or university. The following test centers administer one or more of 2019 and 2025 SAT tests in Senegal.

SAT Test Centers and Dates in Senegal

2019 – 2025 SAT Test Dates in Senegal

  • March 9, 2019
  • May 4, 2019
  • June 1, 2019
  • August 24, 2019
  • October 5, 2019
  • November 2, 2019
  • December 7, 2019
  • March 14, 2020
  • May 2, 2020
  • June 6, 2020
  • August 29, 2024
  • October 3, 2024
  • November 7, 2025
  • December 5, 2025

SAT Testing Centers in Senegal


Address: 69 Rue Des Peres Maristes, Dakar, Senegal
Center Code: 79320


Address: Cote De Ienea-en Face Scr Mermoz, Dakar, Senegal
Center Code: 79324

More about Senegal

  • REMZFAMILY: Modern history of Senegal from World War I to today, covering all major events on politics, economy, society, and technology.


The economic foundations of Senegal are fisheries, agriculture and services. In terms of gross national income (GNI) of US $ 950 per resident (2017), Senegal is one of the low-income countries. The programs for poverty reduction and growth supported by the IMF and the World Bank set the framework for the country’s economic development. A main objective of economic policy is independence from food imports. Unemployment in the Republic of Senegal is very high and has been around 25% in recent years.

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Foreign trade: The foreign trade balance has been negative since 1970 (import value 2013: 6.7 billion US $, export value: 2.7 billion US $). The main exports are petroleum products, gold, fish and fish products, phosphates and chemical products (fertilizers). The main trading partners are France, Mali, Nigeria, India and Switzerland.


The agricultural sector employs around two thirds of all employed persons and generates (2013) 17.5% of the gross domestic product (GDP). About 47% of the country’s area is used for agriculture, of which 18% as arable land and 29% as pasture land. Agricultural production is severely impaired by periods of drought. Peanut cultivation is important for export. Millet, rice, maize and vegetables are the main staple foods grown. Livestock is kept mainly by nomads in the north of the country.

Forestry: 43.6% of the state’s area is designated as forest area (especially in the Casamance region); despite state reforestation measures, it continues to decline. The timber industry has only a minor economic importance, the felled wood is mainly used as firewood.

Fisheries: The waters off the Senegalese coast are very rich in fish, but have been suffering from increasing overfishing for several years. Fish and fish products have been important export goods since the mid-1980s. Around 15% of all gainfully employed people are employed in the fishing and fish industry, which generate around a tenth of export earnings. More than half of the catch is sardines; Tuna, grouper, sea bream and mollusks are also caught. However, foreign fishing fleets are significantly reducing Senegal’s fishing grounds.

Natural resources

Deposits of calcium phosphate (since 1960) and aluminum phosphate are mined, and sea salt and fuller’s earth are also extracted. In the extreme south-east and in the east of the country (near the border with Mali) large iron ore deposits have been identified, in the extreme east copper ore and gold deposits, and in the offshore area of ​​the Casamance region crude oil. The gold deposits are developed by companies from Canada and provide (2013) 13.5% of the total Senegalese export revenues. The exploitation of phosphate deposits is controlled by India (8.2% of total exports).


The share of the industrial sector (including mining, energy and construction) in GDP was 24% in 2013. Industrial centers are the capital Dakar and Thiès, 60 km to the east. The main industries are the food industry (fish processing, oil mills for further processing of peanuts), textile industry (including cotton ginning), metal processing and chemical industry (production of phosphoric acid from phosphates). Imported crude oil is processed in Dakar.

Service sector

The service sector is experiencing a rapid upswing, generating 58.4% of GDP in 2013. The finance and real estate industries, telecommunications and tourism are of great importance here.

Tourism: Scenic coastlines with beautiful beaches, five national parks and other sights such as the former slave island Gorée attract almost 500,000 foreign guests to Senegal every year (44% of them from France, around 1.5% from Germany). “Campements Ruraux Intégrés”, d. H. Tourist accommodation integrated in villages, the income of which goes to the community, and deep-sea fishing are sectors of tourism that can be developed.


Senegal is an important transport hub in Africa. There are good road and air connections to neighboring countries. The main axes of the 906 km long railway network are the south-north line Dakar – Saint-Louis (freight traffic only) and the west-east connection Dakar – Kidira, which continues to Bamako (Mali). The main mode of transport is the road, almost a third of the 14,600 km long road network, the junction of which is Dakar, is paved; the sparsely populated northeast is poorly developed. The Senegal rivers, Saloum and Casamance are partly used as inland waterways. Dakar has the second largest port in West Africa after Abidjan (Ivory Coast). Almost all of Senegal’s and Mauritania’s foreign trade is handled here. With the international airport, the capital also has a connection to world air traffic.


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