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Scholarships For England

A Top Destination

Since England, and Great Britain, are such popular locations for American students to study, the following information is only a cross-section of the different types of scholarships you can find to help you fund your travels.

Study Abroad Organizations

American Institute For Foreign Study

The American Institute for Foreign Study (AIFS) offers three different programs of study in England, two at an academic institution called Richmond, The American International University in London and one for drama students at the Globe Theatre. AIFS providesscholarshipsfor both its fall or spring semester and summer courses, including the following three:

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Institute For Study Abroad, Butler University

The Institute for Study Abroad, Butler University (IFSA-Butler), another well-known study abroad organization, sends students to a wider selection of twenty-two universities both in and outside London. IFSA-Butler’s page ofscholarshipinformation lists two scholarships reserved for students traveling to England:

There are also other less specific

  • The AIFS International Scholarships, forty in number, are awarded to students who have a GPA of at least 3.0, show leadership ability, and participate in activities reflecting an interest in multicultural or international affairs. These scholarships are for $1,000 each.
  • The AIFS-NAFEO (National Association For Equal Opportunity in Higher Education) Scholarships go to excellent students who attend schools that belong to NAFEO (two groups referred to as Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Predominantly Black Institutions, respectively). The award is for half of the student’s AIFS costs.
  • The AIFS-HACU (Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities) Scholarships are very like the AIFS-NAFEO awards, but are distributed to comparable students at HACU’s member schools.

Institute For Study Abroad, Butler University

The Institute for Study Abroad, Butler University (IFSA-Butler), another well-known study abroad organization, sends students to a wider selection of twenty-two universities both in and outside London. IFSA-Butler’s page ofscholarshipinformation lists two scholarships reserved for students traveling to England:

  • The Marcus Ames-Lewis Memorial Scholarship is restricted to programs offered at Birkbeck, University of London, and it is worth $2,000 for one semester.
  • The University of Bristol award goes to students spending an academic year abroad, and it targets those paying in-state tuition at American state universities.

There are also other less specific scholarships, the IFSA-Butler general scholarships, handed out to students in any of the country programs in three amounts: $500 for summer, $1,500 for a full semester, and $2,500 for an academic year. If you are a member of the first generation in your family to attend college, then you can apply for the First Generation Scholars Program (maximum award is $2,500).

Scholarships From Colleges

University Of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign

The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign’s Office of International Programs and Studies (IPS) offers a number ofscholarshipsfor students going abroad to study. There is a common set of criteria for many of them, as follows:

  • You must choose a study abroad program approved by the university.
  • You must apply during the semester just before you plan to travel.
  • Your application for a scholarship will be judged on the essay you submit.
  • Preference goes to those with strong academic records, a history of participating in community activities, and financial need.

Many individual IPS scholarships also have their own guidelines for selecting recipients. For example, the Chad Lobdell Memorial Scholarship is especially for students going to England. The Butex Scholarship for North American Students is only for those who have secured a spot at a university affiliated withButex. A third award, the Catherine A. and Bruce C. Bastian Scholarship, is intended for majors in International Studies and Global Studies.

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