Take the SAT exam in India to study in US and Canada; www.collegeboard.org

Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) is an entrance exam used by most colleges and universities in the US, Canada as well as other countries to select students for admissions to undergraduate courses. However, it is just one factor in the admissions decision. Schools also consider your high school GPA, academic transcript, letters of recommendation (LoR), interviews and personal essays.

The best time to take SAT depends on a variety of factors: the schools to which you’re applying, your application deadlines, your cash flow and your personality.

The SAT is a standardized test that measures a student’s skills in three core areas: Critical Reading, Math, and Writing. Students in classes 11 and 12 take SAT so that they can submit their scores to colleges as part of the college application process.

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SAT round-up

Frequency – multiple times/year

Duration – 3 hours

Sections – math, reading and writing

Cost – $96.50 without the essay and $113.50 with essay

Max Score – 800 per section

SAT Format

Subject/Duration/Score Range Subsections Questions
Math80 minutes


Calculator allowed for 37 questionsCalculator not allowed for 20 questions
  • Problem-solving and data analysis
  • ‘The Heart of Algebra’
  • ‘Passport to Advanced Math’
Reading65 minutes

200-800 (combined with Writing section)

Total 52 questions
  • No Sentence Completion
  • Tests understanding of passages from the US and world Literature, History/Social Studies, and Sciences (500-750 words)
Writing and Language35 minutes

200-800 (combined with Reading section)

Total 44 questions
  • Tests ‘Expression of Ideas’ and ‘Standard English Conventions’ through passages related to Careers, History/Social Studies, Humanities and Science
  • All questions from extended prose (400-450 words)
Essay (optional)50 minutes

not scored

One 50 minutes optional essay This section requires students to evaluate an argument through analysis of evidence
Total3 hours (with optional 50 minutes)


154 questions

SAT Testing Dates for – SAT is conducted multiple times around the year.

SAT exam centers across India:

  1. New Delhi
  2. Bangalore
  3. Calcutta
  4. Cochin
  5. Pune
  6. Mussoorie
  7. Kodaikanal
  8. Hyderabad
  9. Mumbai
  10. Chennai

What to bring to the test center:

  • Admission ticket
  • A valid photo ID
  • No. 2 pencils with erasers
  • An acceptable calculator with extra batteries
  • A watch to keep track of time
  • Drinks and snacks (for the break)

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