University of Ibadan Faculty of Pharmacy;

Welcome to the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Ibadan.Our vision as a Faculty is to provide quality education that will ensure the production of highly competent graduates with professional attitude and skills that are able to contribute meaningfully to healthcare delivery.

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In line with the University Vision, the Faculty of Pharmacy is committed to globally enhancing University of Ibadan’s reputation through academic quality and impact by expanding the frontiers of knowledge through provision of excellent conditions for learning and research. Through a pragmatic leadership strategy and role modelling, the Faculty is poised to providing excellent service delivery to promote a culture of efficiency and effectiveness required in the 21st century university education and research.

Faculty Anthem

1.  Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Ibadan

Soaring high in excellence, building best of therapists

We will not rest on our oars, until our loft suit triumphant height

Relentless in this pursuit, help us God our zenith reach

2.  Advancing the profession, the goal of our painstaking toil

Grooming pharmacists that are undeterred by health challenge

Striving to improve the world’s, health condition alleviating pains

Relentless in this pursuit, help us God our zenith reach.

The Faculty has six (6) departments, namely

  1. Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacy Administration
  2. Pharmaceutical Chemistry
  3. Pharmaceutics and Industrial Pharmacy
  4. Pharmaceutical Microbiology
  5. Pharmacognosy
  6. Pharmacology and Toxicology

The Faculty has over 60 lecturers made up of one emeritus professor, other professors, readers and lecturers. Over the last thirty seven (37) years, we have produced highly rated graduates who are contributing immensely to pharmacy profession all over the world as captains of industry, leaders in community pharmacy practice, hospital practice, academia and other sectors of the economy.

We are committed to developing the academic professional and leadership potentials of our students and staff by promoting excellence in teaching, learning and applied research at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, as well as responding positively to the educational, technical and manpower needs of Nigeria.

Once again, welcome to the Faculty of Pharmacy.

Prof. Oluwatoyin A. Odeku (FPCPharm)
Dean Faculty of Pharmacy


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