GMAT Score Report 2024

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GMAT Score Report 2024

The GMAT exam is a candidate’s best first step towards a career with impact. Trusted for over 60 years and accepted by over 7,000 management and business programs globally, the GMAT exam has been the test of choice for business leaders to get admission into the world’s leading business schools for one reason – it works. The GMAT is one of the few examinations that allow a candidate to showcase their MBA skills that matter the most in business school classrooms and in their careers. Statistics show how 9 out of 10 MBA admission decisions are made using a GMAT score. So if a candidate is serious about seeking admission to a business school, it is mandatory for him to appear for theGMAT 2024 exam.

The GMAT exam is equipped to predict success in the classroom and has been established by the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) – a global non-profit council of business schools. Business schools worldwide use and trust the GMAT exam to make admission decisions as it helps to showcase the skills that matter most to schools and businesses. The GMAT exam measures the skills candidates possess and the skills schools need.

What all is there in a GMAT Score Report?

An official GMAT Score Report would consist of the following five parts:

  • Quantitative Scaled Score (on a scale from 0 to 60)
  • Verbal Scaled Score (on a scale from 0 to 60)
  • Total Scaled Score (on a scale from 200 to 800)
  • Integrated Reasoning Score (on a scale from 1 to 8)
  • Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA) Score (on a scale from 0 to 6)

Candidates are informed that the Total Scaled Score (on a scale from 200-800) is a scaled combination of the quantitative and verbal scaled scores, and thus reflects a student’s overall performance on the multiple-choice sections of the test. The Integrated Reasoning Score and Analytical Writing Assessment are graded independently and do not affect the Total Scaled Score.

  • TheQuantitativeandVerbal Sections:GMAT uses an algorithm to calculate the scaled score for the Quantitative and Verbal Sections of the test. This includes, the total number of questions answered correctly, the number of questions answered within the allotted time, and the level of difficulty (statistical characteristics) of the questions answered.
  • Integrated Reasoning:This section of the test is not computer-adaptive and is scored on a scale of 1 to 8, in one-point increments. The Integrated Reasoning Score will not be available on the same day of the examination, candidates who decide to keep their score will receive their official GMAT Score Report via mail which would also include the Integrated Reasoning Score.
  • The Analytical Writing Assessment:The AWA essay receives two scores, one from a human reader and the other from a computerized evaluation program. If the points calculated by the two sources are identical or differ by exactly one point, they are averaged to obtain the final score for the essay. On the other hand, if the score differs by more than one point then an expert human reader determines the final score for the essay.

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Unofficial Score Report

If you accept the unofficial score report, you will receive a print-out of the Unofficial Score Report at the test center. The Unofficial Score Report includes Quantitative, Verbal, Integrated Reasoning, and Total scores. With this, you can decide Whether you want to retake the GMAT test If you have scored enough to get into your selected schools.

Although the Unofficial Score Report can be helpful to you, it cannot be used for admission purposes.

Official Score Report

At the time of GMAT registration, you have to select up to 5 graduate business schools to receive your Official Score Reports.

  • GMAT scores are valid for five years and are available to candidates for up to 10 years for reporting
  • Official Score Reports having your digital photograph and copies of your essays are released only at special request – when you take the test or request an Additional Score Report
  • You can cancel your scores on the test day following your Score Preview, or for a fee, within 72 hours of the scheduled time
  • If you reinstate your scores after canceling your score then you can do it by login in to your MBA account. Canceled scores can be reinstated up to four years and 11 months from the test date.

What is GMAT Enhanced Score Report?

The GMAT Enhanced Score Report (ESR) provides in-depth knowledge of a candidate’s performance and provides an extensive overview of his execution in the examination. The ESR provides a detailed analysis of a candidate’s performance – by question type, areas for focus, and pacing—so he can further develop his preparations and do even better in the next time around. The GMAT Enhanced Score Report (ESR) also provides candidates with an opportunity to focus better on test-taking strategy, preparation, and future study. However, the candidates should keep in mind that the ESR is available to better evaluate one’s strengths and weaknesses and should NOT be treated as the Official Score Report.

How to send Score Report to B-Schools?

Candidates are informed that before the day of the examination, aspirants have the option to select up to 5 programs/ colleges, they wish to send their GMAT Score Report to. The Official Score Report of the candidate would be sent within 20 calendar days from the day of the test. This service is included within the registration fee and hence there are no extra charges levied on the student. Candidates are advised to choose their B-Schools wisely as once the selection has been successfully done candidates would not be allowed to modify or delete their choice of colleges. If candidates want to send their GMAT Score Report to more than 5 colleges, they would be charged an additional fee for the same.

GMAT Score Report immediately after the GMAT exam

Immediately after completing the GMAT test, you will see four out of five scores. You will be able to see Quantitative, Verbal, Integrated Reasoning, and Total Scores. The total score is the score based on the Quantitative and Verbal sections. Once you see your scores, you need to do the following.

You will be able to see your unofficial Quantitative, Integrated Reasoning, Verbal, and Total scores and you will have two minutes to either accept or cancel them. Now you have to decide what minimum scores you will report? If you do not decide, then your scores will be automatically canceled.

If you cancel your scores then do you have time and bandwidth to take the GMAT test again? You are allowed to take the exam again within 16 days of the previous test. Although the timeline for getting the GMAT Official Score Report is 20 days, however, the scores are delivered much faster. So, before canceling your score, you need to decide whether you will be giving the GMAT test again or have your GMAT official score report delivered to your selected graduate business programs.

What schools accept GMAT scores?

Globally, more than 7,000 graduate management programs use GMAT scores for giving admission to candidates.

When I will get my GMAT scores?

The official score report will be available within 20 calendar days of your GMAT exam. Once your scores are portable, Pearson VUE will send an email regarding it. You can view or download or your official score report through your account.

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