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Scholarships Dealing With Cyprus

Mediterranean Island Rich in Ruins and Emerging as a New European Escape

Closely tied to Greece and Turkey, the island of Cyprus offers a diverse and cultural marriage of both cultures. The laid-back, open country is perfect for students who may be a bit timid about going abroad since the region is heavy with security. A former British colony, Cyprus became independent in 1960, and is now part of the European Union, although there is some tension between Greek and Turkish residents of the island. As a result, both Greek and Turkish are the official languages.

Besides study time, students may also take advantage of the great beaches and ruins of numerous civilizations. Scholarships tend to focus on archaeology as well as language and culture.

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Government Scholarships

One of the most sought-after scholarships among undergraduate students is theBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarships. Established by the federal government and intended to promote diversity in world leadership, the Gilman Scholarships target disadvantaged students. Eligible applicants must be Pell Grant recipients and excellent students. Even though there are more than 2,000 “Gilmans” handed out, there are exponentially more applicants competing for these generous awards. The awards provide winning candidates up to $5,000. If you want to study in Cyprus, look into this award.

Private Funds

The Washington, D.C.-basedCouncil of American Overseas Research Centers (CAORC) offers nine Multi-Country Research Fellowships each year. This program is open to U.S. doctoral and post-doctoral scholars in the humanities, social sciences, or allied natural sciences. Scholars are required to conduct research in more than one country, at least one of which hosts a participating American overseas research center. These awards of up to $12,000 each are granted to scholars seeking to conduct research of regional or trans-regional significance.

Scholarships designed for archaeology students come from theArchaeological Institute of America.

  • The Harriet and Leon Pomerance Fellowship awards students, especially graduate, who are concentrating in Aegean Bronze Age archaeology in the Mediterranean region. Up to $5,000 is given for students who wish to dig for artifacts in Cyprus. The more innovative and well-defined the project, the better.
  • More than a dozen Jane C. Waldbaum Archaeological Field School Scholarships are administered to help students who are planning to participate in their first archaeological field work. Each award provides $1,000 to help pay expenses associated with participation in a field project with a minimum duration of at least one month.
  • The Olivia James Traveling Fellowship supports travel and study in Cyprus and other Mediterranean countries. Preference is given to students working on their dissertation research or to post-doctoral students within five years of graduation. This generous $25,000 award is not intended to support field excavation projects.

TheCyprus American Archaeological Research Instituteprovides graduate archaeology students from the U.S. and Canada with fellowship opportunities to pursue a research project tied to one of Cyprus’s active field projects:

  • Helena Wylde Swiny And Stuart Swiny Fellowship, $1,000
  • Anita Cecil O’Donovan Fellowship, $1,000
  • Danielle Parks Memorial Fellowship, $1,000

TheInstitute of Current World Affairscelebrates professionals who are wishing to undertake customized studies in Cyprus separate from scholastic projects or dissertations. The John O. Crane Memorial Fellowships help individuals fund their projects. Applicants must be willing to share their experiences or utilize them in their professional lives to be considered.

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