Best Prep Books for GRE: Check Section Wise GRE Preparation Books & Resources Here

GRE Prep Book: The full form of GRE is the Graduate Record Exam and the GRE is one of the most widely recognized tests for candidates looking to pursue postgraduate studies in countries abroad. Most universities would require candidates to achieve a pre-determined GRE score to be eligible for the admission process. Test takers would be required to achieve scores equal or higher than the set GRE score to be eligible for admissions and also qualify for any scholarships being granted by the university or an organization.

In this article, we are going to mainly focus on the best GRE study material, GRE exam preparation books, TOP GRE books, best GRE books for self-study along with the best GRE books for 2022 for all GRE sections for the benefit of our readers to achieve their desired GRE results.

Best Books for GRE Preparation 2022 (section-wise)

Top GRE books: As we all are aware that the GRE exam is broadly made up of three sections, the Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA) section, the Quantitative Reasoning section, and the Verbal Reasoning section. And test-takers would definitely require different GRE prep books to prepare for the different sections of the GRE test. Read on as we talk about the best GRE books for 2022, section-wise.

GRE Prep Book for Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA) section

In this section, we are going to look at GRE Analytical Writing Assessment and candidates can check out our 20 GRE Essay Topics with Answers that we have curated by professionals to provide a flavour to our test takers. In addition, candidates can also check out our GRE Analytical Writing Practice Test sample paper that has questions for our candidates to solve. If that is not enough, they can refer to our GRE prep tips: Analytical Writing section, for the latest tips to be able to score in the GRE analytical writing section.

GRE Prep Book for Quantitative Reasoning section

In this section, we are going to look at the GRE Reasoning section that is mainly made up of math and reasoning. Test takers can check out our carefully crafted GRE prep tips: Quantitative section and also try their hand at solving the GRE Quantitative Practice Test that has questions and solutions from very renowned publishers all under one roof.

GRE Prep Book: Official GRE® Quantitative Reasoning Practice Questions Volume 1, Second Edition ($20 USD plus shipping): This guide provides 150 real, never-before-published Quantitative Reasoning questions with complete explanations and valuable hints and tips. It also includes a review of the math topics likely to appear on the test.

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GRE Prep Book for Verbal Reasoning section

In this section, we are going to look at the GRE verbal reasoning section that is primarily made up of vocabulary and English verbal skills. Candidates can check out our carefully curated GRE prep tips: Verbal Reasoning Section for candidates wanting to score in this section and try their hand at solving the carefully crafted GRE Verbal Practice Test. Candidates must be wondering about the GRE best books for GRE verbal preparation, the best books for GRE vocabulary, and so on. Read on as we give you a list of the top GRE books for 2022.

GRE Prep Book: Official GRE Verbal Reasoning Practice Questions Volume 1, Second Edition ($20 USD plus shipping): The guide provides 150 real, never-before-published Verbal Reasoning questions with complete explanations and valuable hints and tips. It also includes new practise for the GRE Analytical Writing measure.

Best GRE Books for self-study

As the saying goes, there is no alternative to hard work. And what better way to prove yourself than to get a good GRE score and that too all on your own merit. In this section, we are going to talk about ways to achieve good GRE scores through the use of the best GRE study material. Candidates can check out the top 10 Tips and Tricks for the GRE, Section-wise Preparation Tips for GRE and How should Indian test-takers prepare for the GRE as told by top faculty members. Candidates can also stick to the GRE Preparation Plan for 4 Weeks, try their hand at the GRE Practice Test, and above all know all about Improving your GRE Score: Why and How.

Best Books for GRE Preparation 2022

Best GRE Books 2022: The costs of studying and preparing for the GRE exam plus the application costs add up to a lot of expenses. If you are opting for the online GRE prep, even then you will need to refer to top GRE prep books to give your preparation that extra edge to be able to score high in the GRE exam. Read on as we have listed the best GRE preparation books for the benefit of our test takers.

GRE Prep Book: The Official Guide to the GRE® General Test, Third Edition

The GRE Prep Book: The Official Guide to the GRE General Test, Third Edition contains hundreds of authentic GRE test questions, explanations for many answers, GRE test-taking strategies, GRE Quantitative Reasoning problem-solving steps and strategies, GRE sample essay responses with reader commentary among other prep material. The GRE prep book is priced at USD $40 plus shipping (extra) and is available for order on the official website of ETS-GRE.

GRE Prep Book: Official GRE® Verbal Reasoning Practice Questions Volume 1, Second Edition

The GRE Prep Book: Official GRE Verbal Reasoning Practice Questions Volume 1, Second Edition provides 150 real, never-before-published Verbal Reasoning questions with complete explanations and valuable hints and tips. It also includes new practise for the GRE Analytical Writing measure. The GRE prep book is priced at USD $20 plus shipping (extra) and is available for order on the official website of ETS-GRE.

GRE Prep Book: Official GRE® Quantitative Reasoning Practice Questions Volume 1, Second Edition

The GRE Prep Book: Official GRE Quantitative Reasoning Practice Questions Volume 1, Second Edition provides 150 real, never-before-published Quantitative Reasoning questions with complete explanations and valuable hints and tips. It also includes a review of the math topics likely to appear on the test. The GRE prep book is priced at USD $20 plus shipping (extra) and is available for order on the official website of ETS-GRE.

GRE Prep Book: Official GRE® Super Power Pack

The GRE Prep Book: Official GRE Super Power Pack is a combination of three books and they are, The Official Guide to the GRE General Test, The Official GRE Quantitative Reasoning Practice Questions Volume 1, Second Edition, and The Official GRE Verbal Reasoning Practice Questions Volume 1, Second Edition. The GRE prep books are priced at a total price of USD $72 plus shipping (extra) and are available for order on the official website of ETS-GRE. Buyers would also get a chance to save 10% when they buy three of the most popular GRE General Test preparation products!

GRE Prep Book: Official GRE® Value Combo (eBook Only) 

The GRE Prep Book: Official GRE Value Combo (eBook Only) contains the Official GRE Quantitative Reasoning Practice Questions Volume 1, Second Edition and the Official GRE® Verbal Reasoning Practice Questions Volume 1, Second Edition. The GRE prep books are priced at a total price of USD $37 and are available for order on the official website of ETS-GRE. Test talers who are purchasing this eBook bundle would also gain access to a total of 300 never-before-published questions.

GRE Prep Book: ScoreItNow!™ Online Writing Practice

What does the book contain?

Sharpen your writing skills as you prepare for the Analytical Writing measure. Using topics and tasks created by ETS, this web-based service allows you to write and submit responses to two essay topics and get immediate scores and feedback. In addition, six FREE bonus Analytical Writing topics are available to provide you with even more practice! Price: $20 USD.

Note: The above infographics have been sourced from ETS – the official website of the GRE exam.

Best GRE Study Material (online)

Best GRE material 2022: Move over the top GRE books and let us look at the best GRE study material in the online format.

POWERPREP® Test Preview Tool (FREE)

The POWERPREP® Test Preview Tool contains information to help familiarize you with the question types, test features, and helpful tools that are available during the actual GRE General Test. This free tool can be found in the “My Test Preparation and Services” section of your ETS Account. This practice tool is free and you can access the same on the official website of ETS-GRE.


The POWERPREP® Online consists of two free practice tests that simulate the actual test and include the test-taker-friendly design features you’ll encounter on test day, like moving back and forth between questions, changing answers within a section, and the on-screen calculator. POWERPREP Online also provides the following accommodations: extended time, extra breaks, screen magnification, selectable colours, and screen reader, and refreshable braille compatibility. This practice test module is free and you can access the same on the official website of ETS-GRE.

POWERPREP PLUS® Online ($39.95 USD per practice test)

The POWERPREP PLUS Online is made up of three official practise tests (sold separately), each containing a different set of never-before-published real test questions, simulate the test experience and provide scores within minutes for all three measures, explanations for correct answers, a score report that summarizes your performance, and more! POWERPREP PLUS Online also provides the following accommodations: extended time, extra breaks, screen magnification, selectable colours, and screen reader, and refreshable braille compatibility. Each online practice test module is priced at USD $39.95 and you can access the same on the official website of ETS-GRE.

Note: The above infographics have been sourced from ETS – the official website of the GRE exam.

GRE Study Material: Alternate Methods

We have covered the best GRE prep books and the best GRE study material online. Candidates can now check out some other alternative methods of preparing for the GRE exam.

Khan Academy – At Khan Academy, there isn’t a section specifically dedicated to GRE preparation, you can find plenty of material that is relevant and helpful for your studies, especially math. Just search for the concept you are having trouble with and you will find a video that explains it.

Official GRE Guide Mobile App  – The Official GRE Guide app is the only app direct from ETS. It includes authentic test questions with answers and explanations from ‘The Official Guide to the GRE revised General Test, Second Edition’.

Quizlet – on this website you’ll find thousands of flashcards made by students about the GRE – vocabulary, math, writing, etc.

Manhattan GRE Practice Test – Manhattan is a reliable source of GRE preparation, so this practice test is of a high standard, complete with explanations.

ETS Topic Pools, Argument and Issue – ETS has available the entire pool of tasks from which your essay prompt will be selected. This means you will get one of these topics in the actual exam.

GRE Preparation Tips 2022

GRE Preparation: Candidates looking to perform well in their GRE test would be required to follow a solid GRE Preparation strategy to achieve their desired goal. This article has been solely dedicated to providing the best GRE study material 2022 for our readers. Read on to unlock the GRE study plan to score well in your next GRE exam.

Similar to other exam prep, you can choose to study on your own or join a coaching centre to prepare for the GRE exam. The decision lies entirely to you, as you need to see whether you have enough time and resources for both. Newer methods of studying are gaining popularity, like GRE preparation online. It includes both self-studying and coaching class methods. You join a virtual classroom and you learn in the comfort of your home.

How to choose the Best GRE Preparation Books for you?

Often, candidates are overwhelmed with the vast amount of information available on the internet for GRE prep. So how should candidates go about selecting the best GRE prep books and the best GRE study material for themselves? Candidates are required to follow some easy steps mentioned below to successfully have access to the best GRE prep material.

  • Always start early: Starting early is the key to all successful preparation strategies
  • Use only trusted sources: A lot of times, a good amount of time and resources are spent on dubious websites. Candidates should only rely on authentic study material
  • Candidates are advised to refer to the GRE official website  as the bible for their GRE prep
  • GRE prep strategies are unique and you should have your own GRE prep plan. Blindly following GRE planners may not be the best route to self-study.
  • Practice Practice and Practice

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