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DILR Preparation Tips for MBA Exams – Logical Reasoning

Logical Reasoning or LRis one of the most important sections of all MBA entrances exams. In CAT, it is clubbed with Data Interpretation, whereas in other exams, it is clubbed with Quantitative Aptitude or Verbal Reasoning.

Logical Reasoning is one of the high scoring sections of management aptitude tests, but is tough to prepare as there are no formulae to be memorised or techniques to be applied.Solving LR questions accurately is possibleonly by learning logical analysis of the problem and its possible solution.

ALogical Reasoning question is rarely straightforward.It is challenging to find out the hidden information that leads to the right answer. Thus, the only approach to Logical Reasoning is by filtering out irrelevant data. Let’s understand all about Logical Reasoning.

What is Logical Reasoning?

Logical Reasoning can be understood as brainteasers, which require common sense and logical thinking. It is categorised in to two type:

Verbal Reasoning:It is the ability to logically understand the concepts and find the solution of the problems expressed in words. Verbal Reasoning requires good command on the language for understanding the question and extraction of information.

Non-verbal Reasoning:It is the ability to logically understand the concepts and find solution of the problems presented in a combination of numbers/letters/figures and words. Non-Verbal Reasoning problems can be solved by deduction and induction of logic of information and implications in a problem.

Logical Reasoning Syllabus for MBA Exams

Logical Reasoning is a part of various competitive exams at undergraduate as well as postgraduate level. This section is an important part of top Government and Banking exams too. Listed below are the Logical Reasoning topics of allMBA entrance exams.

Logical Reasoning Syllabus
Blood RelationsAlphanumeric SeriesInput-Output
CalendarsReasoning AnalogiesMirror and Water Images
Cause and EffectOdd One OutPicture Series and Sequences
ClocksStatement and AssumptionsEmbedded Images
Cubes and cuboidsStatement and ConclusionsPaper Folding
Coding-DecodingArtificial LanguagePuzzles
SyllogismCritical PathFigure Matrix
Seating ArrangementsDeductive Reasoning/Statement AnalysisPattern Series and Sequences
Data SufficiencyDicesOrder & Ranking
Decision MakingDirectionsShape Construction

How to Prepare for Logical Reasoning

  • There is no set formula for Logical Reasoning preparation. So apply your cognitive ability just as you do for solving riddles and puzzles.
  • The mosttried and tested method of cracking Logical Reasoning sectioninCATand other MBA examsis practicing sample questions and mock tests.
  • Read the Logical Reasoning questions carefully. Clue to the answer is present in the question itself. Break down the question into parts to know what is the actual question.
  • Use the process of elimination while practicing LR questionsand mock tests; and also in the actual exam. In MBA entrance exams, there are usually four options for each question. Start with rejecting the each impossible choice until you arrive at the right option or the one closest to the answer.
  • Sometimes, it is useful to see the answer choices in LR problems first and the read the questions. This is a good way of assessing the options that need to be eliminated first.
  • You can also visualize the problem or draw grids or tables to help you solve the problem.
  • In Logical Reasoning questions, the calculations are always very elementary and since Quantitative Aptitude too is a part of MBA entrance exams, you don’t need to worry on that front. You will not be required to do heavy calculation in LR section.

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Best Books for Logical Reasoning

  • A Modern Approach to Logical Reasoning by RS Agarwal
  • How to Prepare for Logical Reasoning for CAT book by Arun Sharma
  • Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation for the CAT by Nishit Sinha
  • CAT Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning by Gautam Puri
  • Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning by Dr RS Aggarwal
  • A new approach to Reasoning By BS Sijwali & S. Sijwali Arihant
  • Multi Dimensional Reasoning by Mishra & Kumar Dr Lal
  • Reasoning Book for Competitive Examinations by Pearson

Weightage of DI and LR in Top MBA Entrance Exams

Listed below are some of the top MBA entrance exams and weightage of their Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning section.

MBA ExamNumber of QuestionsTotal Marks

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