CAT 2022 Examination

CAT exam will be held most likely on November 27, 2022. IIM Bangalore is expected to conduct CAT 2022. The exam schedule will be announced in the last week of July. Applications for CAT 2022 will begin in the first week of August and go on till the third week of September 2022. Application fee for General candidates is INR 2,200 where as for Reserved category candidates, it is INR 1,100. CAT exam will be conducted in three sessions in 156 cities in online mode in three sessions and the duration will be two hours. Candidates will have to solve 66 objective-type questions in the stipulated time. No change is expected in the CAT 2022.

What is CAT Exam?

Common Admission Test or CAT exam is a national level management aptitude test, that a candidate has to clear for admission to the MBA courses offered by 20 IIMs and over 1,200 B-schools in India. Over two lakh candidates apply for the CAT exam every year which is conducted in computer based mode for two hours. The CAT question paper comprises MCQs & non-MCQs from Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension (VARC)Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR) and Quantitative Ability (QA). Difficulty level of the exam is moderate to high. Apart from MBA programmes, the CAT score is valid for admission to Executive MBA, PhD and FPM programmes.

CAT Exam Highlights

Candidates planning to appear for the CAT this year, must know the key highlights of CAT 2022 exam. Take a look at the table below:

Particulars CAT Exam Details 
CAT Full Form Common Admission Test (CAT)
Conducting institute IIM Bangalore (tentative)
Exam level National
Exam frequency Once a year
Exam schedule November 27, 2022 (tentative)
CAT exam fees INR 2,200 (General category) and INR 1,100 (Reserved category)
Eligibility criteria Graduation with 50 % aggregate (45 % for SC/ST students)
Number of applications 2.31 lakh (in 2021)
Number of test takers 1.92 lakh (in 2021)
Exam purpose Admission into IIMs, SPJIMR, FMS, MDI, IMT and over 1,200 B-Schools in India
Course offered MBA/PGDM
CAT syllabus
  • Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension (VARC)
  • Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR)
  • Quantitative Ability (QA)
CAT pattern Computer Based Test (CBT) with MCQs and non-MCQs
No. of test cities 156 ( in 2021)
CAT exam website
Exam helpdesk no. 1-800-210-1088 (Toll Free)

CAT Eligibility Criteria 2022

The minimum eligibility criteria for CAT exam is graduation in any stream. Read below detailed CAT eligibility criteria:

  • Candidates must possess a bachelor’s degree with minimum 50 per cent aggregate or equivalent CGPA (45 per cent aggregate for SC, ST and PWD/DA category) from a recognised university to appear in CAT 2022.
  • Candidates who have completed a professional degree (CA/CS/ICWA) with the required percentage can also appear for CAT.
  • Candidates appearing for the final year of bachelor’s degree/equivalent qualification or awaiting the result are also eligible to apply for CAT 2022 exam.

CAT Exam: Important Dates 2022

CAT exam dates 2022 will be announced by July 31. Take a look at the table below for the tentative schedule of CAT 2022:

CAT 2022 Events CAT 2022 Dates (Tentative) Salient Features
CAT 2022 registrations start 03-Aug-2022 Online registrations will commence on the official website.
Registrations end 23-Sep-2022 Registration process will end for all candidates.
CAT form correction Fourth week of September 2022 Window to be opened for uploading of new photo and signature and change of test city choices.
CAT admit card release 26-Oct-2022 Admit card download process to start on CAT 2022 website.
Mock test release Fourth week of October 2022 The official mock test to be released on the official website. Only registered candidates can take the mock test.
CAT 2022 exam 27-Nov-2022 Exam to be held at various exam centres across India.
CAT 2022 answer key release First week of December 2022 Preliminary answer key and individual response sheet to be released for download from CAT website.
CAT answer key challenge First week of December 2022 Candidates can challenge the official answer key by filling an online form.
CAT 2022 result declaration First week of January 2023 CAT 2022 scorecards to be released official website for download.

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CAT exam is conducted by the top six IIMs on rotation basis. The name of CAT 2022 convening institute will be announced soon. Check the below table to know which IIMs conducted CAT in recent years:

CAT Year CAT Conducting IIM
2021 IIM Ahmedabad
2020 IIM Indore
2019 IIM Kozhikode
2018 IIM Calcutta
2017 IIM Lucknow
2016 IIM Bangalore
2015 IIM Ahmedabad
2014 IIM Indore
2013 IIM Indore
2012 IIM Kozhikode
2011 IIM Calcutta
2010 IIM Lucknow
2009 IIM Ahmedabad

CAT Syllabus 2022

The syllabus of CAT 2022 exam has remained the same for more than last ten years. Check below the in-focus topics of CAT 2022 syllabus for exam preparation:

CAT Syllabus sections CAT Syllabus topics
Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension (VARC) Reading Comprehension, Para Jumbles, Para Summary and Odd Sentence Out
Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR) Set Theory (Variables), Set Theory + Puzzles, Puzzles with Additional Data, Coding-Decoding and Series
Quantitative Aptitude (QA) Number System, Algebra, Arithmetic, Geometry and Mensuration

CAT Exam Pattern & Test Structure 2022

CAT question paper is divided into three sections: VARC, DILR and QA. Candidates are required to solve both MCQ and Non-MCQ type questions. The questions paper is usually of moderate to high difficulty level with QA posing more challenges in terms of tough questions. Check the highlights of CAT 2022 exam pattern below:

CAT exam pattern and structure
CAT exam sections VARC, DILR and QA
Duration of CAT exam 40 minutes per section (Total 120 minutes)
Total number of questions 76


Section-wise number of questions
  • VARC – 26 24
  • DILR –  24 20
  • QA – 26 22
Total marks 228


Language of question paper English
Number of answer choices Four
Type of questions MCQs and Non-MCQs
Marking scheme
  • 3 marks for every correct response
  • Negative marking of 1/3 (-1) for every wrong MCQ response
  • No negative marking for wrong non-MCQ response

CAT Exam Analysis

CAT 2022 exam analysis will be available on the day of the exam. Shiksha has published in-depth CAT exam analysis 2021 by experts. It will help candidates in reviewing the difficulty level of exam and prepare accordingly. The question paper of CAT 2021 was of moderate difficultly level. The surprise element was reduction in the total number of questions from 76 to 66. Section-wise, VARC was tough, DILR was moderate and Quantitative Ability was easy.

CAT Exam Preparation Tips 2022

A minimum of six months of preparation is required to score 99+ percentile in the CAT exam. There are three elements in CAT 2022 preparation – conceptual clarity, practice and revision. Those taking CAT exam for the first time should start much earlier (by March). They should first get familiar with the syllabus and exam pattern and then make a study plan. We have listed some key tips on how to start CAT 2022 exam preparation below:
  • Make a list of topics according to your strengths and weaknesses.
  • Join online study groups on platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, Telegram, etc.
  • Collect relevant study material and recommended books for CAT preparation.
  • Make a day-wise plan and allot one topic each from VARC, DILR and QA.
  • Practice two-three questions from the topic studied on the same day to assess how much you have learnt.
  • Gradually, increase the speed in covering the number of topics each day.

CAT Exam Preparation: Topper Interviews

Click on the links below to know how CAT toppers prepared for the exam and note down exam day tips that they have to offer:

CAT Toppers CAT Topper Interviews
Chirag Gupta

CAT 2021, 100 percentile

I started preparing in March 2021. I focused mainly on giving mock tests and analysing them. I used to work on my weaknesses by watching various CAT preparation YouTube videos on various topics.
Bir Anmol Singh

CAT 2021, 99.94 percentile

I started preparing in April 2021. I solved Arun Sharma sir’s CAT books for VARC, LR, DI and Quant. I attempted as many past year CAT questions papers (timed attempt) that I could attempt, on weekends.
Mohit Babu

CAT 2021, 99.85 percentile

I started my preparations in April 2021. My strategy mostly involved solving the previous years’ mock papers from different coaching institutes. After that, I analysed my weak areas and then focused on improving them.
Vinayak Prabhu

CAT 2021, 99.82 percentile

If you are dedicated, self-motivated and can stick to sincere practice then you don’t need any coaching. But coaching will definitely give you a competitive edge because they will be sharing their years of experience which you can’t have on your own.
Mayank Kapoor

CAT 2021, 99.69 percentile

A coaching institute gives you a routine and this is a pretty big factor. Most of us have other things that we are busy with but if we have a schedule then it will nudge us to be regular with the prep.
Sagar Sengar

CAT 2021, 99.48 percentile

I started preparing around the end of June this year and went into the full-throttle mode by end of August. My overall strategy was to first complete the theory end to end and then practice different kinds of problems across all the sections.
Vinay Kotwal

CAT 2021, 99.40 percentile

Being from a mathematics background, I had a hold over the Quant section. I mainly focused on the VARC section. I referred to Word Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis. I also used to read the newspaper daily to improve my English.
Ved Vineet

CAT 2021, 99.40 percentile

Along with the CAT preparation, I have limited time on weekdays. I devoted two hours on all the weekdays. However, had to stretch during the weekends; thus, 4-5 hours of preparation on the weekends helped me score well.
Sareen Shah

CAT 2021, 99.35 percentile

I knew that Quant and DILR was my strong point. Had to attempt the most there. VARC was unpredictable and hence focused majorly on RCs rather than other questions.
Shreshth Khare

CAT 2021, 99.28 percentile

I began preparing in August. I joined the All India Test series offered by TIME and IMS. My strategy was to take the mock in the designated window and analyze it thoroughly.
Kshitiz Singhal

CAT 2020, 99.99 percentile

My suggestion for the aspirants is to work on your fundamentals, speed and accuracy.
Ekansh Agarwal

CAT 2020, 99.98 percentile

I would say that mock tests are the most important part of CAT preparation. Attempt as many mock tests as possible.
Naval Mittal

CAT 2020, 99.97 percentile

Solve as many types of questions you can from each section. Secondly, focus on your accuracy.
Swarnadeep Ghosh

CAT 2020, 99.92 percentile

Attempt all kinds of mock tests, difficult and easy. Maximise your strengths and do not stress about the weaker areas.
Sabyasachi Mishra

CAT 2020, 99.90 percentile

Focus more on concepts more than the mock tests. I would say that mocks do not matter much. What you learn from the mock tests is what matters.
Ravi Prinshu

CAT 2020, 99.78 percentile

Be self-disciplined and take mock tests regularly and decide your preparation strategy accordingly by identifying your strengths and weaknesses.
Aruneet Dutta

CAT 2020, 99.52 percentile

You have to decide your own preparation and test-taking strategy through trial and error method. You are the best person to decide which preparation method works best for you.
Deepanshu Arora

CAT 2020, 99.49 percentile

Take as many mock tests as possible and analyse your performance. This would improve your exposure to the various question types.
Gahana Agarwal

CAT 2020, 99.30 percentile

It is necessary to keep yourself motivated by any means possible through the entire preparation phase and not to let mocks scores and percentiles affect your mindset.
Arijit Kumar

CAT 2020, 99.10 percentile

Work on your strengths. Refer to the CAT preparation books like Arun Sharma and take ample mock tests and practice varieties of question types.

CAT Registrations 2022

CAT 2022 exam registrations will begin most likely from August 3 and end by September 23. Last year, the CAT application fee was increased by 10 per cent. For General category students the application fee was INR 2,200 and for reserved category students, it was INR 1,100. This year, the fees is expected to remain the same. Check below CAT registration and application process 2022:

  • Go to website
  • Click on new registration
  • Enter name, date of birth, nationality, phone number and email ID to register
  • Log in with the ID received in email to fill the application form
  • Enter personal and academic details
  • Upload a passport sized photo and scanned signature
  • Select preferred courses and IIMs
  • Select preferred test cities
  • Pay application fee via credit/debit card or net banking

CAT 2022 Admit Card

CAT 2022 admit card will be available on the official website for download from the scheduled date. The CAT admit card is a mandatory document to be carried to the exam centre, thus candidates must download a colour print-out of the same. It is advised to download two copies, as one copy is to be submitted at the exam centre. The CAT 2022 admit card has test centre location, exam slot, reporting time and other related information printed on it. Here’s the process to download CAT 2022 admit card:

  • Log on to CAT website:
  • Click on ‘login’ tab
  • Enter CAT 2021 application number and password
  • Go to ‘admit card’ section
  • Click on ‘download’

CAT Exam Day Guidelines

Like last year, CAT 2022 exam will be conducted by following COVID-19 guidelines. Read below documents to carry and items prohibited at the CAT 2022 exam centre.

Documents to carry

Candidates appearing for the exam must carry the following documents to the CAT exam centre to get entry inside the exam hall:

  • Admit card: Candidates appearing for the CAT 2022 exam must carry two print outs of their admit cards with their photo affixed on it. Entry without admit card and photo ID will not be permitted.
  • Identity Proof: Along with the admit card, candidates are required to carry a photo ID proof such as College ID (must be supported with a valid debit/credit card), employer ID, driving license, passport, PAN card, Voter ID or Aadhaar card
  • Name change document: In case a candidate changed their name, they will be required to carry a name change certificate/document

Items prohibited inside the CAT 2022 exam hall:

  • Calculator, watch, phone, iPad or any other electronic item
  • Bags and purses
  • Eatables and beverages
  • Jewellery and accessories that contain metal
  • Jackets and clothes with pockets
  • Closed footwear

Note: Candidates with a metal implant, pacemaker, etc. in their body will be required to bring medical certificate of the same to the test centre.

CAT 2022 Answer Key

CAT answer key 2022  and candidate response sheet will be released a week after the exam. The response sheet will help them in estimating the raw score they are likely to get in the exam. Check the  steps to download CAT 2022 answer key  from the official website:

  • Visit the official website of CAT 2022 (
  • Click on the ‘login’ tab
  • Enter CAT login ID and password
  • Click on ‘CAT 2022 answer key’ will appear on the screen
  • Click on ‘download’ icon to save it as PDF

The answer key objection window will be opened for four days from the day of release. Candidates will be required to fill an online form, upload a supporting document to prove the object is valid and requisite fee.

CAT 2022 Result and Scorecard

CAT 2022 exam result will be declared most likely in the first week of January 2023. The CAT 2022 exam scorecard will be issued in downloadable PDF format, which can be accessed on the CAT 2022 website by using login ID and password. The CAT 2022 result cum scorecard contains each candidate’s raw scores (sectional and overall) and percentiles (section and overall). Here’s the process to download CAT 2022 result:

  • Log on to CAT website
  • Click on CAT 2022 result/scorecard tab
  • Enter CAT application number and password
  • Go to scorecard section
  • Click on download
MBA Admission Through CAT Exam Score

IIM admission and selection process begins after the announcement of CAT result. Each IIM fixes minimum CAT cut off percentile to shortlist candidates for participation in the next round of admission process. Given below is an overview of selection process of IIMs and non-IIMs:

IIM Admission Process

CAT 2021 selection procedure for all the IIMs includes the following:

  1. Screening of candidates on the basis of their CAT score
  2. Written Ability Test/Group Discussion/Personal Interview (WAT/GD/PI)
  3. Computation of Composite Score followed by final selection

Non-IIM Admission Process Through CAT

Institutes accepting CAT 2022 score other than IIMs also conduct GD/PI for admission to their MBA/PGDM programmes. However, there are a few colleges, which admit students based on CAT score only.

IIM CAT Cut Off Percentiles

CAT cut off for IIM admission is fixed by each institute category wise. While the qualifying cut offs range between 80 and 90 percentile (General category), the final cut offs are much higher. Given below is the table indicating qualifying CAT cut offs:

IIM CAT cut offs (qualifying)
IIM Ahmedabad 85
IIM Bangalore 85
IIM Calcutta 85
IIM Lucknow 90
IIM Kozhikode 85
IIM Indore 90
IIM Rohtak 95
IIM Visakhapatnam 80
IIM Trichy 93
IIM Udaipur 93
IIM Ranchi 93
IIM Amritsar 85
IIM Shillong 75
IIM Kashipur 93
IIM Sambalpur 93
IIM Jammu 93
IIM Sirmaur 93
IIM Nagpur 85
IIM Raipur 93
IIM Bodhgaya 93

*The cut off percentiles mentioned in the above table are of General category.

Top Colleges Accepting CAT Exam Score

CAT scores are accepted by 20 IIMs and over 1,200 B-schools across the country. You can visit the links in the below table to know the cut offs, placements, fees, rankings and selection process of each IIM:

List of IIMs Accepting CAT Score
IIM Calcutta IIM Ahmedabad
IIM Bangalore IIM Lucknow
IIM Kozhikode IIM Indore
IIM Shillong IIM Rohtak
IIM Ranchi IIM Raipur
IIM Udaipur IIM Nagpur
IIM Tiruchirappalli IIM Kashipur
IIM Visakhapatnam IIM Bodh Gaya
IIM Amritsar IIM Sambalpur
IIM Sirmaur IIM Jammu

Top Non-IIMs Accepting CAT Exam Score

Given below is the list of top 20 MBA colleges in India accepting CAT score. The list includes IITs offering MBA programme through their Department of Management Studies.

Top 20 Non-IIMs Accepting CAT Score
FMS, Delhi University SPJIMR, Mumbai
MDI, Gurgaon IMT, Ghaziabad
IIT Kanpur-IME IMI, Delhi
IIT Delhi – DoMs IIT Bombay-SJMSOM
IIT Madras-DoMs IIT Roorkee-DoMs
IIT Kharagpur-VGoSM IIT Dhanbad-ISM
Great Lakes Institute of Management IMT-Nagpur
IMI-Kolkata IPE-Hyderabad
ITM-University Institute of Management, Nirma University
IIITM-Gwalior Goa Institute of Management (GIM), Goa

IIM Fees – Campus Wise

Below is the list of MBA/PGP programme fees of each IIM. The amount mentioned here is course fee of PGP/MBA (two years).

IIM campus PGP/MBA seats *MBA/PGP fees (INR)
IIM Ahmedabad 385 23.00 Lakh
IIM Bangalore 430 23.00 Lakh
IIM Calcutta 210 23.00 Lakh
IIM Lucknow 436 19.00 Lakh
IIM Kozhikode 375 19.00 Lakh
IIM Raipur 210 14.20 lakh
IIM Udaipur 260 17.60 lakh
IIM Rohtak 240 15.20 lakh
IIM Visakhapatnam 60 10.70 lakh
IIM Trichy 180 10.70 lakh
IIM Sambalpur 120 13.03 lakh
IIM Ranchi 240 15.30 lakh
IIM Bodhgaya 120 10.60 lakh
IIM Sirmaur 60 11.75 lakh
IIM Jammu 120 13.80 lakh
IIM Amritsar 60 12.00 lakh
IIM Shillong 120 12.68 lakh
IIM Kashipur 210 15.10 lakh
IIM Nagpur 130 13.34 lakh
IIM Indore 451 17.07 lakh

 *The fee amounts mentioned in the table above have been rounded off to the nearest lakh. The fees may increase in the new academic session.

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