GRE Results and Scores FAQs

What Scores Are Reported on theGREGeneral Test?

SectionScore Scale
Verbal Reasoning130–170, in 1-point increments
Quantitative Reasoning130–170, in 1-point increments
Analytical Writing0–6, in half-point increments

If no questions are answered for a specific measure (e.g., Verbal Reasoning), then you will receive a No Score (NS) for that measure.

When Will I Get My Scores?

Your officialGRE®General Test scores will be available in yourETS account10–15 days after your test date. You will receive an email notification from ETS when they are available.

ETS will also send an official Institution Score Report to the score recipients you designated on test day at that time.

What Is In My Official Score Report?

Accessible in your ETS account, your officialGRE®Test-taker Score Report is intended only for your information and personal records. It contains your:

  • contact information (name, phone number and email)
  • date of birth
  • gender
  • intended graduate major
  • test date(s)
  • GRE test score(s) and the associated percentile ranks
  • authorized score recipients or fellowship sponsors and the scores reported to those institutions
  • cumulative record of scores reported within the last five years

See a sample Test-taker Score Report (PDF)

If you wish to have a paper copy, you can print one from your ETS account. It won’t be sent to you by mail.

What Information Is Sent to Institutions?

Official score reports sent to the institutions you designate include:

  • your contact information (name, address, phone number, email)
  • your intended graduate major
  • the GRE test score(s) you choose to report with theScoreSelect®option and the associated percentile ranks

They do not include:

  • any information concerning the other score recipients you have chosen
  • any scores you have chosen not to report or any indication that you have taken other GRE tests

See a sample Institution Score Report (PDF).

Photos and essay responses from each GRE General Test administration you select from your five-year reportable history will be made available in theETS®Data Manager as part of your score record to the institutions you designated to receive your scores.

How Long are My Scores Valid and Reportable?

GRE scores are reportable for five years following your test date. For example, scores for a test taken on July 3, 2019, are reportable through July 2, 2024. Scores earned prior to July 2016 are no longer reportable.

How many GRE practise tests should I take?

The more the better. Candidates are highly advised to solve as many GRE practise papers as possible. Students can visit the official GRE website for paid and unpaid GRE sample papers and also refer to our website for guidance.

How long do GRE tests take?

The total testing time for the GRE General Test is around three hours and 45 minutes, plus short breaks.

Do you get GRE scores immediately?

Your official GRE test scores will be available in your account on the GRE website 10-15 days after your test date.

What is a good score for the GRE?

There is no good or bad score. Your preferred university would have a set GRE score as part of their admission criteria and you are required to achieve that or higher to be considered for admission to the university. Higher GRE scores would also qualify you for financial grants if the university has any.

How does the GRE score report look like?

Candidates wanting to check out a sample GRE score report can check out our GRE Overview page for the same.

How GRE scores are calculated?

At the end of the test, a raw test score is computed. The raw test score is the number of questions you answered correctly. Through a process called equating, which takes into account the difficulty of the questions, the raw scores for both the sections are converted into scaled scores on the 130–170 scale.

Is one month enough for GRE?

Candidates are advised to prepare for the GRE exam before booking their GRE test slot. Hence, candidates who have appeared for their GRE before or who are well prepared for the GRE can use the one month for revision and appear for the GRE. Others would definitely need a more substantial amount of time to be well versed in the exam.

Has GRE become tougher over the years?

The test has evolved over the years to stay relevant to the demands of the university and students. However, rest assured the main focus of the GRE test has remained the same – to provide quality education to deserving candidates.

What GRE score do I need for Stanford?

What GRE score do you need for Harvard?

How long should I study for GRE?

This is entirely at the discretion of the candidate. While students who have appeared for the GRE test before and are on their second attempt would take lesser time preparation time than first-time test takers. Putting a number would be technically not right.

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