GRE Exam Results 2022: Check Score Validity, Total Marks, Average Score & Score Range (130 – 170)

GRE Results 2022: Candidates wanting to pursue post-graduate studies in universities abroad are required to provide their GRE scores as part of the university application process. In this article, we are going to cover all the important aspects revolving around theGRE examand GRE score reporting. For the uninformed, the GRE results are available in 10 to 15 days from the day of taking the GRE test. Read on as we cover important topics such as good GRE scores, total GRE scores, average GRE scores, GRE results, and much more.

In response to the ongoing pandemic, COVID-19, ETS (Educational Testing Service) in their endeavour to make the GRE exam more accessible has launched theGRE at Home facility,where students can take the GRE exam from the safety of their homes. ETS has also allowed candidates to use their Aadhar Cards as part of their student ID starting July 1, 2021, during the GRE registration process. Candidates can know more about the GRE test as they read along.

GRE Scores 2022

In this section, we are going to discuss most of the important aspects of the GRE results for 2022.

When will I get my GRE Scores?

One of the most asked questions regarding GRE exams is when will the candidates receive their GRE scores. Candidates should note thatGRE scores would be available to the candidates 10 to 15 days from theirGRE test date. Once their GRE General Test scores are available on their ETS account, the conducting body would send the candidate an email notification informing them of the same. Candidates who have opted for theGRE at Home testwould get their score also available to them in 10 to 15 days from their GRE test date.

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How to access GRE scores?

As informed to you earlier, once your GRE test scores are available on your ETS account, the conducting body of GRE – ETS would send you an email notification informing you of the same. You will be required to visit the official website, put in your credentials, and go ahead with viewing your GRE results.

Steps to viewing your GRE Scores:

  • Visit the official GRE website
  • Select member log-in
  • Enter in your GRE account credentials
  • View your GRE Results

What is GRE Score Validity?

A lot of times, candidates are confused about the validity of their GRE scores. Candidates should note that their GRE scores are valid for five years following their test date.

When can I appear for the GRE test again?

A lot of times, candidates are unable to achieve their desired scores. and they are left wondering about the next GRE test and when to take them. Candidates looking tore-appear for their GRE testcan do so once every 21 days, up to five times within any continuous rolling 12-month period (365 days).

Candidates looking to re-appear should make use of the freeGRE Diagnostic Servicethat is provided by ETS. The GRE Diagnostic Service option is available in the candidate’s ETS accounts and this gives them a critical analysis of their performance on questions in the Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning sections of the GRE test they have earlier taken. And tells them about the questions they answered correctly and incorrectly. This is an excellent tool for self retrospection.

What is a Good GRE Score?

A lot of times, candidates are left wondering about agood GRE score. As informed earlier, every university would have their required GRE Cut Off. So any score above the cut-off would immediately qualify their application. Students are advised to get higher GRE scores than required as this will only increase their chances of getting admission to their desired university.

What is an average GRE Score?

As informed earlier, every university would have their required GRE Cut Off. So any score above the cut-off would immediately qualify their application. Anaverage GRE Scorewould be a score that is not too high or low. It would be in-between. Candidates should note that getting higher GRE Scores will only increase their chances of admission to their preferred university and also make them eligible for any scholarship or grants being provided by the university.

Sending your GRE Scores – GRE Score Reporting

Now that we have compared the important aspect of GRE scores. Let us take a look atGRE Score Reporting. When you register for the GRE test you designate four graduate institutions or fellowships sponsors to receive your GRE Scores, this is part of your GRE fee. Candidates who wish to send their GRE scorecards to more universities than the designated four can do so by paying an extra fee to ETS.

Sample GRE Score Report

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NB: the image(s) have been sourced from ETS

What does your GRE Score Report contain?

First-time candidates appearing for the GRE test are often intrigued about the contents of their GRE scores. GRE scores of candidates contain the following information

  • Candidate contact information
  • Candidate date of birth
  • Candidate gender
  • Intended graduate major of candidate
  • GRE test date
  • GRE test score(s) and the associated percentile ranks
  • A cumulative record of scores reported within the last five years

GRE Score Reporting to Universities

Candidates should note that while a number of important details are available on the GRE score report. Not all make it to the university. The university GRE Score Report has the following information:

  • Candidate contact information
  • Intended graduate major of candidate
  • GRE scores the candidate selects to report through the GRE ScoreSelect Option

What is the GRE ScoreSelect Option?

Recently introduced by ETS for the benefit of students, the GRE ScoreSelect option like its name allows students to select their best GRE scores from a series of tests they have earlier taken and send them to their preferred institutions/universities. This way, they are able to show their best performance to the university as part of their admission process.

Understanding your GRE Scores (Section-wise)

In this segment, we are going to understand how the various sections of the GRE test are scored. We will also study the GRE score range and what is total GRE Score?

GRE Scores (Section-wise)

In this section, we will know about how the various sections of the GRE general test are graded.

GRE Verbal Reasoning Score and GRE Quantitative Reasoning Scoreare reported based on the number of correct responces provided by the test taker. This is the raw score of the candidate that tells the candidate about the total number of questions answered correctly by him. The GRE raw test score would be later converted to a scaled score called Equating.

GRE Analytical Writing Score:For the Analytical Writing section, each essay would receive a score from one trained rater and by an e-rater developed by ETS. If both the scores are identical in nature, the average of the two scores would be used as the final score. However, if the two scores, one from the trained rater and the other from the ETS developed e-rater are not identical, a third, a human trained rater would be brought in and the final score would be the average of the two human scores.

Section-wise GRE Score Range

In this section, we will know about how the various sections of the GRE general test and the GRE score range they follow. From the table below, we interpret that, the GRE Verbal Reasoning section and the GRE Quantitative Reasoning section have a GRE Score Range of 130 to 170 with 1 point increments and the GRE Analytical Writing Section has a GRE Score Range of 0 to 6 with half-point increments.

SectionScore Scale
Verbal Reasoning130–170, in 1-point increments
Quantitative Reasoning130–170, in 1-point increments
Analytical Writing0–6, in half-point increments

What is the total GRE Score?

As far as GRE general test is concerned, there is nothing such as a GRE Total Score. Candidates would have a scaled score for every section and a percentile score for every section that would define the test takers’ score as compared to other candidates who have appeared for the test. Candidates should not confuse themselves with terms such as total GRE score or highest GRE score. These are not applicable to the GRE exam.

GRE Score Review

The GRE score calculation is without error. However, candidates who feel they would want to review their GRE Analytical Writing measure can do so with a fee of USD $60 within 90 days of GRE Result declaration.

GRE scores across Top Universities

A lot of times candidates are left wondering about the GRE score requirements for universities abroad. Worry no more, as candidates can check out GRE score requirements for MS courses and GRE score requirements for MBA courses among top universities, here.

GRE accepting Universities in the UK for MS CoursesUK universities accepting GRE score for MBA
Canadian universities accepting GRE score for MBAGRE accepting Universities in Canada for MS
GRE accepting Universities in the USA for MSUS universities accepting GRE score for MBA
GRE Accepting universities in EuropeTop GRE accepting Universities in Germany
MS Colleges Accepting GRE scoresMBA Colleges Accepting GRE scores

Average GRE scores across Top US universities


University nameVerbalQuantitativeWriting
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)1581595.3
Stanford University1591584.8
University of California, Berkeley153 – 1561674.5
TheUniversity of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)1551675.0
University of Virginia1631664.5

GRE Result and Statistics

As informed earlier, the average GRE score requirements differ for every subject. An engineering student would need higher marks in the GRE Quantitative section and arts and humanities students would need higher marks in the GRE Verbal section. Before starting with a preparation strategy, you need to identify what is a good GRE score for your program. Here is a table that will give you a rough idea about good GRE scores which are subject averages.

SubjectGRE Quant ScoreGRE Verbal Score
Humanities and Arts149.2156.5
Natural Sciences153.1150.8
Social Sciences150.1152.9
Other Fields148.9149.7

GRE Subject Test Scores

Candidates wanting to know about GRE Subject Scores should get in touch with us in the comments below. This article is majorly focused on GRE General Test results and scores. The GRE General Test is the most preferred test among universities abroad.

GRE Results and Scores FAQs

How many GRE practise tests should I take?

The more the better. Candidates are highly advised to solve as many GRE practise papers as possible. Students can visit the official GRE website for paid and unpaid GRE sample papers and also refer to our website for guidance.

How long do GRE tests take?

The total testing time for the GRE General Test is around three hours and 45 minutes, plus short breaks.

Do you get GRE scores immediately?

Your official GRE test scores will be available in your account on the GRE website 10-15 days after your test date.

What is a good score for the GRE?

There is no good or bad score. Your preferred university would have a set GRE score as part of their admission criteria and you are required to achieve that or higher to be considered for admission to the university. Higher GRE scores would also qualify you for financial grants if the university has any.

How does the GRE score report look like?

Candidates wanting to check out a sample GRE score report can check out our GRE Overview page for the same.

How GRE scores are calculated?

At the end of the test, a raw test score is computed. The raw test score is the number of questions you answered correctly. Through a process called equating, which takes into account the difficulty of the questions, the raw scores for both the sections are converted into scaled scores on the 130–170 scale.

Is one month enough for GRE?

Candidates are advised to prepare for the GRE exam before booking their GRE test slot. Hence, candidates who have appeared for their GRE before or who are well prepared for the GRE can use the one month for revision and appear for the GRE. Others would definitely need a more substantial amount of time to be well versed in the exam.

Has GRE become tougher over the years?

The test has evolved over the years to stay relevant to the demands of the university and students. However, rest assured the main focus of the GRE test has remained the same – to provide quality education to deserving candidates.

What GRE score do I need for Stanford?

What GRE score do you need for Harvard?

How long should I study for GRE?

This is entirely at the discretion of the candidate. While students who have appeared for the GRE test before and are on their second attempt would take lesser time preparation time than first-time test takers. Putting a number would be technically not right.

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