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How to Prepare for XAT?

Check out best section-wiseXAT preparation strategyfor Decision Making, Quantitative Ability, Logical Reasoning, Data Interpretation and VARC.

We all know, XAT is very different from otherMBA entrance exams. It is also one of the most difficult MBA entrance exams to crack. The XAT has roughly 100 questions on English, Quantitative Aptitude & Data Interpretation and Decision Making and General Awareness. The XAT question papers has four sections.

The duration ofXAT exam is 180 minutes and there is sectional time limit. However, the good part about the sectional time-limit of XAT is that one gets 165 minutes to solve Verbal Ability, Decision Making and Quantitative Ability and Data Interpretation sections, whereas 15 minutes are allotted to the General Awareness section. Thus, there is flexibility to utilise 165 minutes the way one wants. This makes it easy to handle XAT as its Reading Comprehension passages is always way too time taking and Decision Making requires deep logical reasoning. Read below, section-wise preparation strategy for XAT 2022 which is scheduled for January 2.

Conducted by XLRI, Jamshedpur, XAT is a gateway to over 800 B-schools in India and taken by around one lakh candidates every year. The number of questions is distributed fairly between the four sections, with the Quantitative Ability section usually carrying a slightly larger section of the pie. The distribution of questions in XAT 2022 is likely to be as follows:

XAT SectionsNumber Of Questions
Verbal Ability26
Decision Making22
Quantitative Ability and Data Interpretation27
General Awareness25

XAT has sectional cut-offs which is determined on the basis of marks scored by all the students in the previous years and the difficulty level of the questions in the current year exam. The difficulty level of XAT exam is always at least a few notches higher than that of other MBA entrance exams.

XAT 2022 Marking Scheme

Each XAT question carries one mark for right attempt and a penalty of 25 per cent in case of incorrect answer. It must be noted that there is no negative marking in GK section. There is no differential marking in XAT so it is easier to make the choice of questions. For excellent scores,read below preparation strategy for XAT 2022:

Preparation strategy for XAT 2022: Quantitative Ability

For cracking the Quantitative Ability (QA) section of XAT which is regarded as one of the toughest quants sections of any MBA entrance exam, it is absolutely vital for you to get familiar with the kind of questions asked in this section.

In the QA section of XAT, sitters are rare, and the margin for error is little. You need to pick your questions wisely because unlike other examinations where it is imperative to attempt maximum questions, XAT requires you to attempt only those questions which you can solve with 100 per cent accuracy. Same is the case with the Decision Making and the Verbal Ability sections.

Since the questions are many and time is less (you have to solve Data Interpretation questions too), not to mention the hiked difficulty levels, someone completely oblivious to the XAT exam pattern might be caught unawares. So, it is very important that yourigorously solve the actual XAT question papersat least from the previous five years (one paper in every three days including proper analysis of the same) and onlineXAT mock tests.

This will improve your ability to adapt to ‘XAT type of questions’. Moreover, it will help you in timing yourself better in the actual exam. It will also help you gauge the level to which the time constraint multiplies the difficulty, enabling you to make changes in your approach, if required.

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Preparation strategy for XAT 2022: Decision Making

Another way to ensure that you do well in XAT 2022 is to lay stress on the Decision Making, a section which is unique to XAT. It carries sectional cut-off which can be useful in improving the overall score. Apart from practicing Decision Making questions from the previous years’ XAT question papers, read sample cases to enhance your knowledge and also to arch your thinking in a way to facilitate better reasoning ability.

Preparation strategy for XAT 2022: Verbal Ability

The Verbal Ability section is the first section of XAT question paper and is divided into two sections – English Usage and Reading Comprehension. Since, XAT’s English section requires a lot of reading, you must practice reading fast. Read at least two Reading Comprehension passages a day. If your grammar and vocabulary are weak, take help from recommended books, read journals and newspapers and solve XAT sample papers. Cracking verbal section depends on how well you understand and use English language.

Preparation strategy for XAT 2022: General Awareness

Though the General Awareness section of XAT 2022 will not be included in determining the XAT percentiles and the XAT cut-offs in the first stage of the selection process, it is still an important section. Keeping abreast with the latest happenings in the business world will help your chances of scoring big in this section of XAT exam.

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