National Open University, NOUN Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


On this page, we share everything you need to know about National Open University Of Nigeria (NOUN) and Frequently asked questions with Answers about NOUN and NOUN Admission 2022. It’s advisable for you to read this article from A-Z before obtaining NOUN admission Form.


Student orientation programme is done at their various NOUN Study Centres. All fresh students are required to undergo an orientation programme prior to their registration. The programme is intended to acquaint the students with the whole range of services and privileges available to them as well as their responsibilities as members of an academic community. Regulations require satisfactory completion of the orientation before matriculation in the University.

The University’s registration system is computerized and so most of
the registration exercise is online. Each student is provided with
internet access, user name(Matric Number) and password to log on the registration portal of the University website(
For fresh students, the registration procedures include participation in
interview and screening exercise where credentials are screened for authenticity. It also includes payment of relevant fees for both fresh
and returning students.

The University’s academic year comprises of
two semesters. Each student is assigned an academic adviser during
the registration exercise in the Department. It is important for students to get proper advice from their assigned Academic Adviser, regarding the number and relevance of the courses to register for.
To be accepted as a bonafide student, eligible to attend lectures as the case may be and take examinations, the student must duly register within the stipulated period for all prescribed courses at the beginning of each semester.

Any student who fails to duly register within the specified time period will missed the semester.


You can view the fees schedule by clicking on the following link, Checkout the Exact Amount to Pay this Semester 2021_2

Read procedure for application by clicking the following link How to Apply for Admission into National Open University, NOUN

You can view the fees schedule by clicking on the following

Depending on the Programme you are running with NOUN. However, you can visit your study centre or nearest study centre for detailed information.

Management is about completing discussion with stakeholders on this issue.

NOUN will process the forms and admit student directly by itself.

The cost of the form is 5,000 Naira for undergraduate, 7,500 Naira for Post graduate and 10,000 Naira for PHD.

NOUN offered courses in Agricultural Sciences, Arts, Education, Health Sciences, Law, Management Sciences, Science and Social Sciences.

The duration will be dependent on how long a student takes to accumulate the requisite number of credits needed for a final award. For example, a student shall require at least 120,90,60,35 and 70 credit units to earn an award for the Bachelor Degree, Post graduate Diploma, Diploma, Certificate and Masters Degree certificate respectively.

Depending upon the time available to you and your workload, you can combine work and your studies or you can study full time and progress at your own rate.

Yes. NOUN certificate will in no way be inferior to those awarded by conventional universities since the same body National Universities Commission, sets the minimum standard.

NOUN will deliver instructions through the following:
1. Printed Materials
2. Audio/Video tapes
3. Radio and Television broadcasts.
4. CD-ROMS; and
5. Internet (Where appropriate).

NOUN will have standby generators in all the study centres.

The students can come to the study centres where they will meet other students; and Instructional and Tutorial Facilitators who will deal with and solve their problem.

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Is entertained only based on university policy and conditions such could be when a student falls sick or suffers an accident after registering for a programme in the University. Such a student would apply with relevant medical report to the Dean of his/her Faculty through the Head of the Department for deferment of a semester or
sessions as the case may be to enable him/her fully recover. To defer admission, you are required to write to the Registrar though the Study Centre Director with evidence of your admission and course registration.

Registered Students who wish to change their Programme of Study
process it via their respective study centers. The students download the required form via their Study Centres and process it through their
respective Study Centres.

Students who were wrongly admitted to a programme can seek
counsel from the school counselor.


A Student who wants to make changes to his/her registered courses
after completion of his/her registration shall do so on prescribed
Add/Drop forms. This provides students’ the opportunity to delete
(drop), add or substitute courses he/she has previously registered for
during the current registration exercise. The change(s) become
effective after approval by the HOD. Under no circumstance should a
student just abandon a course he/she has registered for or attend lectures and/or sit for examinations of course(s) for which he/she has not duly registered without first having his/her change(s) approved
through the Add/Drop forms.

The registration portal opens at the beginning of every semester and closes before the commencement of continuous assessment. Once the portal is closed, you will not be able to register for courses for the semester until it opens again for the next semester. This means that students who were unable to register for their courses before the closure of the course registration portal areNot Eligibleto take the
TMA and examinations for the course(s).

You are not allowed to re-register for a course that you have already

Each academic staff prepares questions based on available materials.
More often than not, senior members of staff internally moderate items and marking schemes prepared by junior ones and enlighten them the more with regards to phraseology, clarity and content of each course. Then the questions are passed on to the examination coordinator for the Faculty, who then sends them to the Directorate for Examinations and Assessment of the University.
The academic staff and, in some cases, invited experts in relevant fields, prepare both tutor-marked assessment (TMA) questions and end of semester examination (ESE) questions. These are further internally moderated with the accompanying marking schemes before they are given to the students. The TMAs are 3 in number; students are required to answer all and have them graded. The TMAs
constitute 30% of the course final grade and also serve as the continuous assessment for the course. The question papers for the
final year students are moderated by an external examiner before the questions are administered. The end of semester exams (ESE) constitutes 70%. Apart from the earlier examinations conducted in 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009 respectively, all recent ESE for the 100 and 200 level students have been conducted online. The conduct of the end of semester examination is usually carried out at the
various study centres. The University has in place guidelines for conduct of examinations. Results are issued after Senate ratification of the semester results.

Continuous assessments in NOUN are automated in the form of computer-marked assignments and are administered online. They are uploaded onto students‟ portals subject to the students‟ registration for the course. The TMAs comprise four (3) sets of 10 Multiple
Choice Questions (MCQ), totaling 30 MCQs. Students are expected to answer all the question items. They can access the TMAs in their
portals from any location via the Internet. The three (3) TMAs are automatically graded upon submission and you receive feedback on their performance in form of a score. The TMA
is an important component, constituting 30% of the final score in a course. It is important to note that any student without TMA
scores will not have any score for that course. Learn more about NOUN TMA seeNOUN Portal TMA Login Procedure for New and Returning Students 2019andTop 11 Things You Need To Know About NOUN TMA

Two types of examinations are employed at the National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN). They are theeExaminationsand the
Pen-on-Paper (PoP) examinations. The examinations are conducted at the end of every semester at the Study Centres or any other location as may be arranged by the Study Centres. For undergraduate and postgraduate students,
the examinations account for 70% of the total score for the course.

This a computer-based examination administered at 100 and 200 levels only. The examinations comprise MCQs and Fill- in- the Gaps
(FBQs) question types. The number of questions per course is according to the credit units of a course. To Learn more about NOUN e-exam see NOUN E-Exam Tips For Freshers and Download NOUN E-exam Past Questions and answers

PoP examinations are written based examinations administered in a face-to-face context to 300 level students and above. The number of questions per course is according to the credit units of the course.

As it is for course registration, students must also register for examinations they wish to undertake. The portal for examination registration opens alongside the course registration portal. Students
who do not register for examinations will not be allowed to write examinations in the relevant course.

NOUN offers two semesters of study per year.

The University has put a policy in place to guide requests for remarking of scripts and re-computation of results. The provisions of
this policy can be found on “Policy of Re-Marking of Students’ Examination Scripts and Re-computation of Results” For instance,
a student who wishes to request for the re-marking of his/her script(s) must appeal within 30 days from the date of publication of the results.
There is a fee per course for this service. Students
should familiarise themselves with the procedures before making
requests for the re-marking of their scripts.

Study Centres are central to the students‟ learning activities in open
and distance learning context. They are the first stop for specific information about your degree programme. NOUN has over seventy
Study Centres spread across the country that are equipped with
facilities and support services such as library, computers, reading
facilities, and student counselors. Students are encouraged to make use of these facilities and services at their Study Centres.

A core or compulsory course is one which every student must compulsorily take and pass in any particular programme at a particular level of study.

An elective is a course that students take within or outside the faculty.
Students may graduate without passing the course provided the minimum credit unit for the course had been attained.

✔Compulsory courses are courses which must be offered and passed before graduation. These courses are marked compulsory or ‘C’ in the list of courses to be registered each semester. They must be registered before registering any elective courses.
✔Elective courses are courses which a student chose from a number of optional courses in the list
of courses of the semester.
Electives are courses you can choose, while compulsory courses are the ones you must study to
complete your degree. Electives, when added to the compulsory courses, make up the total number of units needed to complete your degree. Elective courses are usually labeled Elective of ‘E’.

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