
SAT Practice Test: Download Section-wise Previous Year SAT Question Papers PDF;

SAT is the standardized test required for admissions in undergraduate courses in the US and Canada. The full form of SAT is Scholastic Assessment Test. The exam is designed to assess a candidate’s potential through written, verbal, and mathematical skills. This is further designed to get admission in a particular course as it helps in evaluating the candidate’s knowledge in a particular subject. It can be taken in areas like Literature, History, Mathematics, Sciences, and Foreign Languages. In this article, we will provide you with various SAT Sample Papers, so, you can prepare for the SAT first hand. Read: Essential SAT Tips and Strategies

SAT Exam Pattern

The SAT Exam includes Math, Critical Reading, and Writing section. The SAT Exam Pattern is further explained in the table:

SAT SubjectsSAT Exam SyllabusSAT Exam Pattern
Math57 questionsThis section includes questions on problem-solving, data analysis, algebra, and advanced math.Duration: 80 minutesScore: 200-800
Reading52 questionsThis section includes questions on Sentence Completion, Tests understanding of passages from the US and World Literature, History/Social Studies, and Sciences.Duration: 65 minutesScore Range: 200-800

(combined with Writing Section)

Writing and Language44 questionsThis section includes questions on, expression of ideas and standard English conventions through passages related to Careers, History/Social Studies, Humanities, and Sciences.Duration: 35 minutesScore Range: 200-800

(combined with Reading Section)

Essay (optional)One optional essayThis section requires students to evaluate an argument through the analysis of evidence.Duration: 50 minutesnot scored
Total154 questionsn/aDuration: 3 hours (with optional 50 minutes)Score: 1600

SAT Books

It is said that the New SAT could be more difficult for international students: The Princeton Review AVP. With these changes, your preparation for the old SAT would not prove to be of any help in the new SAT. The existing SAT sample papers or practice test available on random websites throughout the internet may not be authentic and latest. It is recommended to refer to the official SAT practice test from the official website:

  • Practice Test 1
  • Practice Test 3
  • Practice Test 5
  • Practice Test 6
  • Practice Test 7
  • Practice Test 8

Subjects in SAT Subject test

SAT Subject Test is divided into 5 subjects. These subjects are further categorized into smaller topics. The various SAT Subjects include:

LiteratureBiology/EMItalian languageGerman language
U.S. HistoryChemistryLatinGerman with Listening
World HistoryPhysicsChinese with ListeningSpanish language
Math Level 1French languageJapanese with ListeningSpanish with Listening
Math Level 2French with ListeningKorean with ListeningModern Hebrew

SAT Syllabus

You have understood the SAT Exam Pattern, now learn about the SAT Syllabus. Once this is done, you may go through the books and create a preparation plan with the prep tips shared below. After this, you may test your potential using the official sample tests for preparation.

Divided into three parts (Critical Reading, Maths, and Writing), this exam is 3 hours long with an optional 50-minute essay. The syllabus covered in this exam is very basic, which is covered in your school curriculum. This test hence becomes a really easy and interesting one.

The Critical Reading section has further three categories, viz. reading comprehension, sentence completion, and paragraph-length critical reading. Similarly, the Math section contains three more categories: algebra and functions, geometry statistics, and probability and data analysis. The Writing section is divided into two parts including essay and multiple-choice sections.


Having gone through each and every step recommended for preparation, you are ready to test your potential. For a better understanding of using the SAT Score for studying abroad, it is always recommended to take expert opinion.

Still have more queries related to SAT, check out the frequently asked questions about SAT and SAT Sample Papers.

  • First, understand the SAT test pattern
  • Decide what study plan you will follow
  • Calculate how many hours you need to study
  • Learn about the prep material and gather it
  • Strictly follow the study plan
  • Give practice papers
  • Algebra and Functions(35% — 40%): Function Graphs, Solving Expressions
  • Geometry(25% — 30%): Rectangles, Triangles, Solids, Lines, Slopes, and Circles
  • Numbers and Operations(20% — 25%): Ratios, Percents, Integers, and Fractions
  • Data, Stats, and Probability(10% — 15%): Charts, Tables, Averages, and Medians
  • College Board’s Official SAT Study Guide 2021-22 Edition
  • Kaplan’s SAT Prep Plus 2021
  • The Princeton Review’s Cracking the SAT 2020 Edition
  • McGraw-Hill Education SAT Elite 2022
  • Barron’s SAT, 29th Edition

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