
SAT Test Centers and Dates in Tanzania;

According to the College Board, there are 2 test centers for SAT and SAT Subject Tests in Tanzania. Please note that before you register either of the SAT exams, you should choose your test date and test location. Each testing location is affiliated with an educational institution, such as high school, community college, or university. The following test centers administer one or more of 2019 and 2025 SAT tests in Tanzania.

SAT Test Centers and Dates in Tanzania

2019 – 2025 SAT Test Dates in Tanzania

  • March 9, 2019
  • May 4, 2019
  • June 1, 2019
  • August 24, 2019
  • October 5, 2019
  • November 2, 2019
  • December 7, 2019
  • March 14, 2020
  • May 2, 2020
  • June 6, 2020
  • August 29, 2024
  • October 3, 2024
  • November 7, 2025
  • December 5, 2025

SAT Testing Centers in Tanzania

More about Tanzania

  • REMZFAMILY: Modern history of Tanzania from World War I to today, covering all major events on politics, economy, society, and technology.


Despite positive economic development, Tanzania is one of the poorest countries in the world. In recent years, the gross domestic product (GDP) has grown by an average of 7% annually, albeit from a very low level. The gross national income(GNI) per resident is (2017) 905 US- $, over a quarter of the population lives below the poverty line. 35% of the Tanzanian state budget is financed by foreign donors. Own foreign exchange income is v. a. achieved through tourism and the export of gold and agricultural products. The transformation from a state-controlled economic system to a market economy, initiated in coordination with the World Bank and the IMF in the mid-1980s, has largely been completed. Tanzania was one of the first countries to receive debt relief under the HIPC initiative and $ 3 billion in debt relief (external debt in 2015: $ 14.5 billion).

Foreign trade:Despite the increase in exports in recent years, Tanzania’s trade balance is in deficit (2014 import value: US $ 10.9 billion, export value US $ 5.4 billion). Foreign trade is very much determined by developments on the world agricultural market, since agricultural products (coffee, cashew nuts, tobacco, cotton, tea, cloves, etc.) are among the most important export goods alongside mining products (especially gold and precious stones). The most important trading partners are India, China, Germany and Japan.


The agricultural sector generates (2014) 31.5% of GDP and forms the livelihood for over 74% of the population. 17.7% of the total land area is arable land (on Unguja Island almost the entire usable island area), another 27% is used as extensive pasture land (especially cattle farming). The small-scale family business dominates with traditional cultivation methods (hacking and shifting cultivation) and alternating farming (slash-and-burn construction). The degree of mechanization in agriculture is very low. The most important staple foods are cassava, corn, millet, rice and bananas. The cultivation areas of the important export crops are spread over the entire territory: In the highlands, coffee and tea bushes are mainly planted, as well as pyrethrum won; The cultivation of cashew nuts, coconuts and sisal is concentrated in the coastal region, while cotton and tobacco plantations dominate in the west. The main crop on Unguja Island and Pemba is the clove. Livestock farming is concentrated in the central and northern highlands.

Forestry:52.8% of the land area of ​​Tanzania is designated as forest, tropical rainforest is rather rare. Every year around 0.2% of the forest area is destroyed through clearing. Only around 9% of the total logging is used as timber (including cedar, African rosewood and mahogany). Wood is of great importance as a source of energy; around 91% of the logging is used as firewood.

Fishing:Inland fishing is important for personal use (especially on Lake Victoria and Lake Tanganyika); deep-sea fishing is limited to the coastal waters due to the lack of ships and equipment. Commercial fishing, fish processing and the export of fish (2014: 3.6% of export earnings) are increasing steadily.


Natural resources

Tanzania has abundant natural resources with precious stones, precious metals, crude oil and gas, coal, iron ore and industrial minerals. Mining (especially gold, diamonds and tanzanite) generates around a quarter of all export revenues (2014).

Energy industry

The inadequate energy supply is hampering further economic development. Around two thirds of electricity is obtained from hydropower, but only around 20% of the population have access to the public electricity network.


The development of the industrial sector is to be seen above all against the background of high dependency on imports and a persistent lack of foreign exchange. The leading industries are the textile and food industry as well as tobacco processing, with small and micro-enterprises predominating. Manufacturing centers are Dar es Salaam, Tanga and Arusha. The share of industrial production in GDP is below 10%, including mining and construction, the manufacturing sector (2014) accounts for 25% of GDP.


Tanzania has designated a third of the country as national parks or animal reserves, which are largely well developed for tourism. Other attractions are above all the UNESCO World Heritage Sites, such as B. the old town of Zanzibar on Unguja Island, the historical sites in Dar es Salaam and Tanga as well as beaches and coral reefs on the Indian Ocean. In 2016, 1.37 million foreign visitors came to Tanzania, making tourism one of the most important sources of foreign currency. Check handbagpicks to see Tanzania Tour Plan.

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