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XAT Question Papers with Solutions

Shiksha has collated official XAT question papers of last 10 years (2010-2020) for exam aspirants. Download these XAT question papers for free here. Also read XAT preparation tips.

Previous years’ XAT question papers are of great help in exam preparation. Candidates preparing for XAT 2021 must practice questions and topics from previous years’ XAT question papers to have a better control. Practicing official question papers ofXAT examhas many benefits, the most important being, practical experience of actual exam and the types of questions asked.

XAT previous year papers are available online along with answer-keys, as the exam conducting institute XLRI, Jamshedpur releases the question paper every year along with answer keys. Shiksha has collated officialXAT question papersof last 10 years for aspirants. They can download these XAT question papers from 2010 to 2020 here.

Prepare for XAT exam with previous years’ question papers & preparation guides. Get topper tips & expert advice

Benefits of Practicing XAT Previous Year Papers/Sample Papers

The best way to prepare for any entrance exam is to practice sample questions. For XAT, practicing sample papers is not enough. The candidates must solve past years’ XAT question papers, too. It will not only help them in understanding theXAT exam patternand marking scheme, but also help them in knowing how to tackle different type of questions. Given below are some benefits of practicing previous years’ XAT question papers and sample papers:

  • Solving official XAT question papers will help the aspirants in familiarising themselves with the pattern of the exam and marking scheme.
  • XAT previous year papers will help the candidates in identifying the trend of types of questions asked in previous exams and thus assessing what type of questions will be asked in the upcoming exam.
  • It will help candidates in identifying weightage given to each topic of XAT syllabus in the exam.
  • It will help the aspirants in discovering tricks and shortcuts to solve questions faster with 100 per cent accuracy.
  • It will help the candidates in improving their speed, accuracy and time management skills.
  • The XAT sample papers will prepare them for all types of questions – tough, easy, lengthy, tricky, calculation-based, etc.

XAT Question Paper and Marking Scheme

XAT question paper consists of MCQs from Decision Making,Verbal & Logical Ability,Quantitative Ability&Data Interpretationand General Knowledge. Maximum number of questions are asked from Quantitative Ability & Data Interpretation and the least number of questions are asked from Decision Making.

Since there is no sectional time limit in XAT exam, the candidates can choose the order of answering the questions. 100 MCQs are to be solved in three hours.

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XAT Question Paper Highlights

  • XAT question paper is divided into two parts
  • Part 1 of XAT question paper consists of Decision Making, Verbal & Logical Ability Quantitative Ability & Data Interpretation
  • Part 2 of XAT question paper consists of General Knowledge
  • XAT used to have Essay Writing section (clubbed with GK in part 2). It was scrapped in 2019.
  • Decision Making section is all about analytical andlogical reasoning. The questions are based on situational passages on business ethics and decision
  • TheReading Comprehension(RC) section of XAT usually includes four passages and one poem. The RC questions are inference based.

Given below is the break up of XAT 2020 question paper for reference:


Number of Questions

Total Marks

Decision Making2222
Verbal and Logical Ability2626
Quantitative Ability & Data Interpretation2727
General Knowledge2525

XAT exam has negative marking. Given below is the marking scheme:

Correct answer+1
Incorrect answer-0.25
More than 8 unanswered questions-0.5

The best time to start practicing official XAT question papers, sample papers and mock test series is after completing the syllabus. Since the XAT 2021 exam will be held in January 3, 2021, the aspirants must complete their XAT syllabus by October and dedicate November and December to solving question papers and mock tests.

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