www.jamb.gov.ng How to check JAMB result 2022 online via SMS 

Can I Check JAMB Result 2022 On Phone?

Yes, you are free to check your result on phone as far as it has been released online for checking.

It doesn’t matter whether you are using android or iPhone or even your browser, just use the link to check UTME results which I dropped above.

The only thing is that you can’t print your result slip out using your phone, but you can save it as a PDF then take it to any cyber cafe near you for printing (this will reduce the cost).

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How to Check JAMB Result 2022 Online Via SMS

All candidates can now send UTMERESULT, via SMS, to 55019 using the same number that was used for registration (you must have a credit balance of at least N50 on your line). The result would be replied to you as an SMS shortly after.

The following are the responses to be expected:

    1. If a candidate uses a phone number that was not used to register, a message will be sent to him thus: ‘This phone number was not used for registration.”
    2. A candidate with a result will receive the message: “Dear Mr/Miss X, your result is as follows… (and the details will be provided).
  1. If a result is withheld, a “Result Withheld” message will be sent to the candidate.
  2. If a candidate belongs to the category being given the benefit of the doubt, the message to the person will be: “Result withheld pending the upload of clarifications/document required from you.”
  3. If a candidate was absent, s/he would get “CANDIDATE ABSENT” as feedback
  4. A candidate that was ABSENT WITH REGISTRATION NUMBER also CANCELLED will be so informed.
  5. “Invalid Entrance into the Exam Hall” will be sent to a candidate who gained unauthorized access to the examination hall.

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