Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Scholarships 2023

Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Foundation Scholarship 2022-2023 is a fully funded scholarship. This scholarship is offered for undergraduate and postgraduate studies in Germany. This Scholarship will cover a monthly basic stipend up to EUR 850, health insurance expenses and, where applicable, family and baby allowances are financed.

This scholarship is awarded up to 40 excellent students and include a comprehensive seminar program to help enhance the candidates’ social competences and academic skills. Students in any subject region are qualified to apply if they show outstanding academic or academic merit, wish to study in Germany and are dedicated to the principles of social democracy.

Scholarship Summary

  • Level of Study: Undergraduate, Masters, PhD, Diploma
  • Institution(s): Friedrich Ebert Stiftung
  • Study in: Germany
  • Opportunity Focus Areas: Many courses are supported, but not pure study abroad programs outside the EU
  • Program Period: Maximum funding period corresponds to BAföG regulations
  • Number of Scholarships: Up to 40
  • Deadline:
    • Masters: April 30, 2022 for summer semester / October 31, 2022 for winter semester
    • Bachelor / Diploma / Magister students as well as students aiming for a state examination: After the 1st semester and later. up to 3 semesters before the end of the standard period of study
    • Medical students: After the 4th semester or after the physics until the end of the 6th semester
    • PhD students: At any time

Scholarship Coverage

Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) Scholarships provide the recipients with the following benefits:

  • Monthly Stipend of EUR 750 in a Bachelor’s, Diploma, Magister or state examination program
  • Monthly Stipend of EUR 850 in a Master’s course.
  • Costs for health insurance are funded and scholars with a child receive a family allowance of EUR 276.
  • The scholarship does not have to be repaid.

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Eligibility Criteria for Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Scholarships

To be eligible for Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) Scholarships, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Required Languages: English / German
  • Eligible Countries: Gifted students from Africa, Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe
  • The candidates’ aptitudes and personalities show excellent promise for an academic or professional career.
  • Admission to study or enrolment at a state or state-recognized higher-education institution in Germany
  • Sufficient knowledge of German, although the courses are held in English. This means a ‘Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang’ of at least DSH level 2, a ‘Test Deutsch als Fremdsprache’ of at least level 4 or a ‘Zertifikat C 1’ by a Goethe Institute
  • Candidates are expected to show commitment to the values of social democracy.
  • Above-average performance in school and studies
  • Personality – we are looking for applicants with the following:
    • political thinking
    • Thirst for knowledge
    • Tolerance and openness
    • Team orientation
    • Critical ability
    • self reflection

How to Apply for Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Scholarships?

Please follow the following application instructions to avail this scholarship:

(1) Simply fill out the online application. We will ask you a few questions about your professional and family background – no further documents are required. If you feel unsure or if you need to talk to us in advance of the application, you can contact our approximately 480 liaison lecturers. (Note: Please check the deadlines and dates! ) You can download a sample here:

(2) If you are eligible for a scholarship, we will request further documents from you by e-mail: two expert reports from university lecturers as well as information about your previous training and your socio-political commitment . First-year students (not master’s students) in their first semester submit two reports from former teachers.

Upon our request, you have three weeks to upload the documents . Six weeks for the expert opinion, if necessary after consultation with us. We advise you to put the documents together while you are waiting for our response.

  • First- year students (not Master’s students): information sheet for applications Basic funding for first-year students at the beginning of the 1st university semester (Germans, foreigners with education and refugees); Reports from high school teachers or vocational school teachers
  • Basic funding: information sheet for applications for basic funding (Germans, foreign students with education and refugees who are not new students or residents and foreigners after the 1st semester) Reports from university professors
  • Doctoral funding: information sheet for applications for doctoral funding (German and foreign students as well as foreigners); Expert opinion from the supervisor of your dissertation as well as a further expert opinion from a second university professor

(3) If you are shortlisted, we would like to get to know you personally. We invite you to two meetings : with a liaison professor from your department and with a member of our selection committee. Tips for preparing for the interviews can be found here.

(4) The selection committee makes the final decision on admission to one of our programs. The committee meets several times a year.

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