How to prepare for XAT 2023 in 3 months: Tips and Tricks

Know how you can prepare for XAT exam in 3 months. Read here the tricks and tips by toppers and experts for XAT preparation 2023.

XAT preparation must be done phase wise. The ideal time to start XAT exam preparation is about nine months, but those who start late preparation, can also crack it, if they follow a focussed study plan. The last three months before XAT exam are crucial for both types of students. Those who have been studying from uch before, must complete the syllabus three months before XAT and dedicate the last three months to practice and revision. Those who start XAT preparation three months before the exam, must study only the important topics and solve a large number of sample questions of different variety. Such students need to have practice based approach to the exam preparation.

XAT preparation in 3 months – tips and tricks

One can score well in XAT exam with systematic preparation strategy. By the time XAT 2023 exam date arrives, most of the MBA aspirants have accumulated some test experience with a variety of entrance tests like CAT, SNAP, MAT, etc. If you want a favourable XAT 2023 result, start XAT preparation at least three months before the exam day. If you start from October, you will have three months to prepare for XAT 2023.

The XAT question paper consists of questions from four sections:

To prepare for XAT in three months, start with the important topics of each subject. Assess your strength and weaknesses viz these four subjects, and start with preparation of the toughest subject.

Tips to prepare for XAT 2023 in 3 months

  • First of all, check the XAT syllabus. Pick out sections which you think are your strong points. Next, check the XAT exam pattern. Now analyse the weightage of your strength areas in the XAT question paper over the years. This will give you an idea of which sections to focus on.
  • Make an exam strategy. Watch videos or read interview of previous years XAT toppers and take inspiration in making a plan of three months. Dedicate more than six hours in a day on XAT preparation.
  • Divide three months into completing syllabus, practising mock tests and revision. Starting from October 1 spend 45 days on completing the syllabus. Use the next 30 days in practicing previous years XAT question papers, sample papers and mock-tests. The remaining 15 days should be spent on revision of important topics, concepts, formulae and theorems.
October-December Number of days to dedicate
XAT syllabus 45 days
Mock test practice 30 days
Revision 15 days

XAT Mock Test will help you to get an idea about the type of questions asked, the exam pattern and marking scheme. After taking the test, you can immediately check your score. You can also download the Question Paper along with answers and their explanations for Free.

  • XAT exam is all about accuracy. If you achieve that, you are safe. But how can you achieve that? The answer is – Mock Test Series. The more you practice mock test series and XAT sample paper the better your understanding will grow about the type of questions, variety of questions, short cuts and tricks to solve them thereby improving your speed and accuracy. But remember, only solving mocks is not enough. Analyse your performance at each juncture and work on areas you are lacking in. Attempt at least 25-30 XAT mock tests of different types.
  • Decision Making section of XAT exam is unique but not unusual. The questions of this section typically require you to apply critical thinking. So, work on critical reasoning and practice this section from previous years’ XAT question papers and mock tests to build confidence.
  • To score in General Knowledge section of XAT exam read newspapers and stay in touch with current affairs. Prepare static GK from Manorama Year Book and Competition Success Review.

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To perform well in the exam, choosing the right question to answer is crucial. Since there is negative marking for wrong questions in XAT, you need to be extremely careful in choosing questions. Attempt a question only when you are sure of solving it with 100 per cent accuracy. Check the marking scheme of XAT below:

XAT Exam Pattern and Marking Scheme

XAT sections Number of questions Marking Scheme
Decision Making 22 +1 for each right answer and -0.25 for each wrong answer. -0.10 marks will be deducted for more than 8 unanswered questions.
Verbal & Logical Ability 26
Quantitative Ability & Data Interpretation 27
General Knowledge 25
Essay Writing (to be assessed during PI shortlisting)
Total 100

Most of the XAT toppers say that key to getting a good XAT percentile is meeting the sectional cut offs even if the overall cut off score is compromised. So, what you need to do is focus on meeting the sectional cutoffs while writing the XAT exam. Do this and half the battle is won.

Apply these tips for XAT 2023 preparation strategy and maximise your exam preparation. All the best for XAT 2023!

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