How to Prepare for XAT 2023: Tips from Toppers

The XAT question paper can be described as a mix of concept driven, practice intensive and environment sensitive questions. Here are some tips fromprevious years’ toppers on how to prepare for XAT 2023.

TheXavier Aptitude Test or XATis conducted by XLRI, Jamshedpur for admission to its MBA programmes.XAT examis considered one of the toughest management entrance exams, at par withCAT. The XAT question paper can be described as a mix of concept driven, practice intensive and environment sensitive questions. The unconventionality of the question paper, unique marking scheme and the number of applicants appearing for XAT makes it a tough exam to crack. So, every aspirant wonders ‘How to prepare for XAT?’.The key to excel inXAT examis not only studying from XAT preparation books but also thoroughly understanding the question paper and choosing questions wisely. Read this article for toppers tips onhow to prepare for XAT 2023 exam.

How to Prepare for XAT 2023

XAT 2023 will be held in the first week of January. Candidates have good nine months to prepare for this top MBA entrance exam. However, to start XAT preparation it is important to know the fundamentals of the exam.

First of all, let’s understand the exam pattern. TheXAT exam patternis prescribed XLRI Jamshedpur. In XAT 2022, Essay Writing section was reintroduced. Candidates had to write a 250-word essay on one of the two given topics. However, the score of essay is not added in the XAT exam score. It is evaluated at the time of PI shortlisting. Check the sectional break up and marking scheme of XAT below:

XAT sectionsNumber of questionsMarking Scheme
Decision Making22+1 for each right answer

-0.25 for each wrong answer

-0.5 marks will be deducted for more than 8 unanswered questions.

Verbal & Logical Ability26
Quantitative Ability & Data Interpretation27
General Knowledge25

Know completeXAT syllabus

XAT Exam Preparation 2023

Given below is the brief description of every section of XAT 2023 question paper for candidates to have a basic understanding of each.

  • XAT 2023: Decision Making

Decision making section is the most unique section of XAT. It is practise intensive and requires business aptitude for solving ethical dilemmas, financial issues, general management scenarios, company management issues, etc.

  • XAT 2023: Verbal & Logical Ability

Reading Comprehension has historically dominated the Verbal section of XAT. The major part of this section is about reasoning skills, RC and vocabulary-based questions, thus requires quick reading and ample mock-test practice to keep up with time and speed.

  • XAT 2023: Quantitative Ability & Data Interpretation

Focus areas in Quantitative Ability & Data Interpretation section of XAT syllabus are,Geometry,Number Systems, P&C, Probability and Functions. The key here is getting the concepts right, building upon it and applying them accurately.

  • XAT 2023: General Knowledge

A lot of stress is onCurrent Affairstoo. Reading newspaper regularly and a brushing up of Static GK will help you sail through this section of XAT 2023 exam.

How to prepare for XAT 2023: Tips from Toppers

Let’s first understand what is the difference between XAT and otherMBA entrance exams?

XAT is more inclined towards application abilities than rote learning. XAT exam has a section which is not there in other management exams – Decision Making. This section brings in a measure of creativity and test the knowledge one has built over time and not by cramming. TheVerbal Abilitysection too, has unique type ofReading Comprehensionpassages including a poem.

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Now, let’s look at key tips from previous years’ XAT toppers.

Farzan Shaikh, XAT 2021, 99.95 percentile

“I started preparing on my own (thought NITians don’t need help), quants from books like Arun Sharma, Sarvesh Sharma. I solved DM questions in XAT using past year papers. I Solved 3-4 DILR sets daily. Actively read and summarised articles, books and essays from Aeon, The Economist, WSJ etc. in my own language to improve my reading comprehension.

Suresh Jadia, XAT 2020, 99.31 percentile

“I started XAT preparation seriously by mid-August or September and realised that there wasn’t enough time to go through the entire syllabus thoroughly … so I went for the mock analysis approach which means I gave as many mock as I could and invested even more time in analysing those mock.”

“I focused more on Verbal Ability and Decision Making for which I developed more of an intuitive approach where in, in RC passages and Decision Making the answers should come from one’s own inference.”

Sarthak Kumar, XAT 2019, 99.95 percentile

“My strategy was to solve as many questions as possible and give as many mocks as possible. One thing I always believed was to stick to my strength which was Quantitative Ability. So I focused more on that but at the same time made sure not to neglect the decision making and verbal sections.”

“To prepare for Decision Making section, my strategy was to focus on previous years’ XAT questions, I would match the answers with their answer keys and understand the rationale behind those answers.”

Aditya Ganesh, XAT 2018, 99.4 percentile

“I decided to take the test quite late so I had two months to prepare, so I decided that I really have to focus on my strengths. I first strategized and covered all the concepts that were necessary for the examination. After that, I focused mainly on practicing as many questions as I could. I created a conducive environment at my home so that I could take a lot of XAT mock tests and using this I could figure out my strengths and weaknesses.”

“In decision making you need to think of solutions which are practical from business sense and ethical,” he added.

“On exam day strategy, Aditya said, “In a competitive exam like XAT, you need to ensure that you convert all the questions that you know. By maximising all the questions that you know, you can ensure that you can get a good percentile.”

Neha Jaggannath, XAT 2017, 98.76 percentile

Verbal Ability section

“For Verbal Ability section, you need to acquaint yourself with reading of variety of articles. Secondly, you could familiarise yourself with basics of Grammar like figures of speech, root words etc. Apart from that solving questions from sample papers or mock tests will suffice.”

Decision Making

“Since you don’t have any precedent to follow viz. this section, the key to crack this section of XAT exam is solve as many previous years papers and mock test series as you can, because these will help you familiarise yourself with the kind of questions that are asked which are mostly common sense based.”

Quantitative Ability

“Improving your calculation speed is always the key, because it helps in the examination and also improves you mental agility in general. Other than that, keep a note of the important formulae. During the exam, it is important to know which formula to use for which question.”

General Knowledge

“I brushed up on my current affairs knowledge. I made sure to keep reading newspapers and apps on a regular basis. Apart from this, there are certain key points about our nation or international world that aren’t really current affairs but topics you should be knowing. So brushing up on some static GK also helps.”

Rajas Yotikar, XAT 2017, 99.98 percentile

“In the last month, there is not much left to prepare. You just have to get in the zone and keep solving the mocks. You don’t have to do anything special in the last one month. In the last month, I stopped solving questions on subjects and switched to mock tests.”

Priyadarshi Dasgupta, XAT 2017, 99.72 percentile

“For thequant section,my strategy was to read through all the questions once and figure out which questions will take a larger amount of time and which questions I could do quickly. So I would target the questions that I could do quickly first, because that would give me a chance to maximise my score and I would come to questions that required more time.”

“My strategy forVerbal Abilitysection was to attempt the questions as quickly as possible after one reading then re-read my questions. I found this useful as there were many details that I might have missed in my first reading. So I read them a number of times to catch these details.”

“Decision Makingis unique to the XAT exam and there isn’t a lot of material to prepare from, so I gave a lot of mock tests in which they would give him sectional cut offs so that he would know my strong and weak areas.”

“Keeping in touch with current affairs helped me a lot inGKsection as most of the questions were from current affairs.”

Best Books for XAT Preparation 2023

Below listed are some of the best books to read for XAT exam preparation:

XAT Book NameAuthor Name
XAT XLRI – MBA Entrance exam A/4Chandresh Agarwal
Target XAT SimplifiedDisha Experts
Jabbing the XAT with Solved PapersRK Jha
Koncepts of Numbers in Quantitative Aptitude for XAT and Other Quantitative ExamsGajendra Kumar
Solved Papers for XATGautam Puri
Data Interpretation and Data SufficiencyAnanta Ashisha, Arihant Expert (Author)

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