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Reading Comprehension: Tips, Questions And Preparation

Preparing forReading Comprehension (RC)is one of the most challenging aspects of MBA exam preparation. Unlike Quantitative Aptitude or Data Interpretation, Reading Comprehension cannot be prepared by memorizing formulae or practicing questions. Reading Comprehension is a skill to be acquired and it can be acquired only over a period of time.

Reading Comprehension section ofCAT,XAT,GMAT, SNAP, IIFT, NMAT, CMAT, etc. carry significant weightage and can make or break your overall performance. Good Reading Comprehension skill is not only crucial to entrance exams but also to the overallMBA admission process.

Having good communication skill is the most desirable skill in post-MBA life. To be a good business manager one not only needs to be a good leader but also a good communicator. That forms the basis of candidate’s selection for MBA admission. In the Group Discussion (GD), Written Ability Test (WAT) and Personal Interview (PI), candidates are judged on how well and lucidly they can present their point of view. The hard work done duringReading Comprehension preparationwill be immensely useful in GD/WAT and PI.

Reading Comprehension for CAT and other MBA Exams

Let’s look at theweightage of Reading Comprehensionin some of the top MBA entrance exams. The number of questions presented in the table below is basis the question papers of previous year. This should be seen as reference as in the upcoming exams, the number of Reading Comprehension section could be higher or lower.

MBA Entrance ExamVerbal Ability Weightage
CAT18/26 questions
XAT12/26 questions
MAT20/40 questions
CMAT6/25 questions
SNAP8/34 questions
IIFT16/35 questions
MAH CET15/50 questions

How to Prepare for Reading Comprehension

  • The only way to crack Reading Comprehensionsection of any exam is bydeveloping the habit of reading. Put in 1.5 to 2 hours a day in reading.
  • In most probability, the exam will have passages you would not have read before. For that scenario, the best option is to read on a variety of topics.
  • Choose variety of topics to read because the passages can be fromEconomics, Philosophy, History, Sociology, Politics, Literature, Science, Arts, Fiction, Non-Fiction, Biographies, Psychology or other fields.
  • Don’t do speed readingin the exam. Take your time and read the passage paying attention to details. If you do this, you’ll be able to answer all the questions in one go. You won’t have to go back and forth between questions and the passage to find the answers.
  • However, you cannot take too much time in reading passages on the exam day. So, the solution here is to develop the habit of fast reading but without missing important points. Those who are avid readers, need not worry. Those who are not, start reading from the early stage ofMBA preparation.
  • You may adopt the strategy of reading the questions before the passage, but remember this strategy works on fact based passages. CAT Reading Comprehension passages are inference-based so don’t apply this strategy in CAT exam. Similarly, inXAT, the RC section has boring and dense passages from Psychology, Philosophy, Art or Research paper or sometimes even poems. Thus, the wise thing to do is read the passage first and then the questions.
  • In CAT,Reading Comprehension dominates the VARC section, thus there is no running away from it. The option to prepare better in VA and leave out RC is not there in CAT. In fact, even in otherMBA entrance exams, it is advisable not to skip RC passages as it can directly affect your sectional score, which in turn may impact the overall score/percentile.
  • There is no formula, no theorem to crack a Reading Comprehension passage. So, all that you can do is practice. Practice adequate number of sample RC passages of different variety and time yourself. After every practice session, assess your performance. Take the test again to see whether you can crack the same passage in lesser time. Your should aim at more accuracy in lesser time.
  • Having a good reading habit will also help you in improving Vocabulary and Grammar. Note down unfamiliar words, phrases and idioms you come across while reading. Check their meaning and origin to build your vocabulary.

CAT Reading Comprehension Passages

Check out the topics ofCAT Reading Comprehension passages of last two years. CAT Reading Comprehension section is considered the toughest among all MBA entrance exams. It you can crack it, you can crack Reading Comprehension section of any exam.

CAT 2021 RC topics
  • Mayan Civilization
  • Utopia and Dystopia
  • Marshmallow Experiment
  • Evolution of Tea as a Drink
  • Language/ Indigenous People
  • Why Fiction Trumps Truth
  • Colonialism/Nationalism
  • Knowledge and Problems of Knowledge is a Scandal to Philosophy
  • Nanotechnology
  • Language Instinct
  • Time Accuracy Entropy
  • Unconscious and Psychoanalysis
CAT 2020 RC Topics
Slot 1Slot 2Slot 3
AnarchismInvesting in renewable energy technologiesTravel writing and feminism during colonial times
Migration of Northern SealsPiracy in international tradeThe need for economic literacy in the general population
Currency of Tang DynastyFreudian models of aggressionScreen time and undercurrents of social class
Grammar/VocabularyA study of visualizationAn analysis of human nature
CAT 2019CAT 2018
Slot 1
British Folk MusicGenetics
TopophiliaIndia’s view on its legacy of Second World War
Emperor PenguinsPlastic Pollution
Internet Shopping and Choice AnxietyElephant society
Origin of Story of AlladinConsumer behaviour studies
Slot 2
Dense CitiesGrover snails
Google and archaeologyMeritocracy and diversified teams
Distributing BureaucracyUse of technology in essential services
Language & CultureRings of Saturn and their age
Passage on British Colonial PolicyHuman resource and learning

Best Books for Reading Comprehension

Listed below are some of the popular books and novels for Reading Comprehensionpreparation recommended by MBA experts:

  • Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey
  • A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking
  • Cosmos by Carl Sagan
  • An Illustrated Retelling of Mahabharata – Jaya by Devdutt Patnaik
  • India in Slow Motions by Mark Tully
  • Capitalism & Freedom by Milton Friedman
  • Maximum City by Suketu Mehta
  • Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson Mandela
  • Wings of Fire by APJ Abdul Kalam
  • Shantaram by David Gregory Roberts
  • Around the world in Eighty Days by Jules Verne
  • The Time Machine by HG Wells
  • Caves of Steel by Isaac Asimov
  • The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
  • Three Men in a Boat by Jerome K Jerome
  • Something Fresh by P G Wodehouse
  • Where Eagles Dare by Alistair McLean

News and Journals to read for Reading Comprehension section for CAT and other MBA entrance exams are listed below:

  • The Hindu
  • Time
  • Business Week
  • Newsweek
  • The Economist
  • National Geographic
  • Fortune
  • Business World

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