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XAT Exam Pattern 2023

XAT pattern 2023is expected to be same as last year. The question paper will have two parts with sectional time limit. In the first part, Decision Making, Verbal & Logical Ability, Quantitative Ability & Data Interpretation will be clubbed together and in the second part, GK and Essay Writing will be clubbed together.

Each section (except Essay Writing) ofXAT 2023will have 22-27 question in MCQ format, having five options to choose the right answer from. The essay will be evaluated if/after the candidate will be shortlisted for personal interview round of XLRI admission.XAT examwill be conducted in the first week of January 2023 in morning slot.The duration of the exam will be 190 minutes. Read all aboutXAT pattern 2023below.

XAT Exam Pattern 2023: Highlights

The XAT pattern was revised last year and Essay Writing section was reintroduced. Take a look at the key highlights:

XAT Exam Structure


Number of sections5 (Decision Making, Verbal & Logical Ability, Quantitative Ability & Data Interpretation, General Knowledge and Essay Writing)
Duration of exam180 minutes (+ 10 mins)
Number of questions100
Total marks100
Language of paperEnglish
Number of answer choicesFive
Mode of examinationOnline
XAT marking scheme+1 mark for correct answer

– 0.25 marks for incorrect answer

– 0.10 marks for more than 8 un-attempted consecutive questions

No negative marking in GK section

Section Wise XAT Exam Pattern

XAT 2023 question paperwill have have 100 questions in MCQ format spread over the main four sections. Read below section-wise break-up of questions and marks allotted:

XAT exam pattern

XAT section-wise weightage

XAT Pattern: Sectional Break-Up of Questions

There is variable distribution of questions in XAT, i.e. one section has more questions than another section. Given below is the sectional break-up of XAT question paper:

XAT SectionsNumber of QuestionsTotal Marks
Decision Making2121
Verbal and Logical Ability2626
Quantitative Ability & Data Interpretation2828
General Knowledge2525
Essay (250 words)1 (candidates can choose 1 topic from 2 options)To be evaluated upon shortlisting

XAT Pattern: What is the Marking Scheme?

  • One markwill be awarded for each right answer
  • 0.25 markswill be deducted for each wrong answer
  • 0.10 markswill be deducted for more than eight unanswered consecutive questions
  • There will beno negative marking in General Knowledge section
  • Scores of General Knowledge section will not be considered for calculating XAT score

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Changes in XAT Pattern Over the Years

Apart from scrapping of the Essay Writing section in 2018 and reintroduction in 2022, theXAT question paperhas not seen many changes in the last eight years. The number of question has remained between 97-114 in the past eight years. Given below is a table comparing theXAT exam patternand difficulty level of the questions from 2014-2021:

Exam YearTotal Number of QuestionsSection-wise number of questionsMarking SchemeLevel of Difficulty
XAT 2022100VARC: 26

DM: 21

QA & DI: 28

GK: 25

Essay: 1 (to be evaluated upon shortlisting)

+1 for each right answer

-0.25 for each wrong answer

-0.10 for more than 8 unanswered questions

Moderate to difficult
XAT 2021100VARC: 26

DM: 21

QA & DI: 28

GK: 25

+1 for each right answer

-0.25 for each wrong answer

-0.10 for more than 8 unanswered questions

Moderate to difficult
XAT 2020100VARC: 26

DM: 21

QA & DI: 28

GK: 25

+1 for each right answer

-0.25 for each wrong answer

-0.10 for more than 8 unanswered questions

Moderate to difficult
XAT 201999VARC: 26

DM: 21

QA & DI: 27

GK: 25

+1 for each right answer

-0.25 for each wrong answer

-0.5 for more than 8 unanswered questions

Moderate to difficult
XAT 201897VARC: 24

DM: 21

QA & DI: 27

GK: 25

One essay topic

+1 for each right answer

-0.25 for each wrong answer;

-0.5 for more than 12 unanswered questions

Moderate to difficult
XAT 201797VARC: 24

DM: 21

QA & DI: 27

GK: 25

One essay topic

+1 for each right answer

-0.25 for each wrong answer;

-0.5 for more than 12 unanswered questions

Moderate to difficult
XAT 2016103VARC: 26

DM: 23

QA & DI: 29

GK: 25

One essay topic

+1 for each right answer

-0.25 for each wrong answer;

-0.5 for more than 13 unanswered questions

Moderate to difficult
XAT 2015114VARC: 28

DM: 23

QA & DI: 33

GK: 30

One essay topic

+1 for each right answer

-0.25 for each wrong answer

Moderate to difficult
XAT 2014113VARC: 28

DM: 24

QA & DI: 31

GK: 30

One essay topic

+1 for each right answer

-0.25 for each wrong answer

Moderate to difficult

XAT 2022 Question Paper Pattern and Analysis

Given below is the section-wiseXAT 2022 analysisand break up of question paper and difficulty level of each question type. Also, listed below are XAT exam paper analysis of last six years.

Verbal and Logical Ability

  • The Verbal and Logical Ability section had 15 questions on Reading Comprehension with six passages
  • Three passages had three questions and the other three passages has two questions each
  • There was a customary poem with two questions
  • Poem and para jumble questions were moderately difficult while grammar questions were easy

Decision Making and Analytical Reasoning

  • The difficulty level of Decision Making section in XAT 2022 was of moderate difficulty level
  • There were not singlets in this section of XAT exam
  • There were seven situations having three questions each
  • Four passages were on Business Decisions and three passages were on Ethical Dilemma

Quantitative Ability and Data Interpretation

  • The Quantitative Ability and Data Interpretation section was split into 16 questions from QA and 12 questions from DI
  • The QA questions were dominated by Arithmetic, Algebra and Geometry
  • DI part of this section of XAT 2022 had four sets
  • Overall, the section was moderately difficult

General Knowledge

  • The overall difficulty level of General Knowledge section was moderate
  • This section had 25 questions asked from Current GK (Business economy, personalities and award) and static GK (Economy, Geography, Science and Technology)

XAT Preparation 2023

XAT preparationincludes thorough understanding of the exam syllabus, pattern and test structure. Candidates also need to refer to the books recommended by experts and practice XAT mock tests. Read the articles listed below to prepare for XAT 2023:

XAT Exam Preparation Articles
How to prepare for XAT in 6 monthsXAT previous year question papers
How to Prepare for XAT in 3 monthsHow to Prepare for XAT exam? Tips from Toppers
XAT 2022 preparation: Tips to crack Verbal AbilityXAT 2022 preparation: Tips to crack QA-DI
Expert speak: How To Prepare for XAT Exam?XAT 2022 preparation: Tips to crack Decision Making
How to Prepare for XAT in 1 MonthBest Study Material for XAT preparation
XAT 2020: Expected and Previous Year Cut OffsXAT Exam: Revision Tips for Last Two Weeks

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