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Quantitative Aptitude Preparation Tips for MBA Exams

Quantitative Aptitude or QAis an integral section of any competitive exam as it tests a candidate’s mathematical and analytical ability. In MBA entrance exams it covers one-third of the test paper. Quantitative Aptitude tests the candidate’s mathematical aptitude and analytical skills that is central to business management.

Quantitative Aptitude is a demanding subjectas it involves numerous topics, endless formulae and mastering accurate application. Preparing for this section can be mentally taxing and physically draining, especially for students from non-Engineering background.Building a strong base in mathematical calculations and consistent practice in Quantitative Aptitude is the key.

What is Quantitative Aptitude?

Quantitative Aptitudeis a section wherein questions are asked from Maths topics such as Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry and Mensuration. This section is included in competitive exams as Maths is central to all aspects of life. The questions of Quantitative Aptitude inMBA entrance examsare usually based on elementary Mathematics. To crack Quantitative Aptitude, one has to have conceptual clarity of all the Maths topics of class 9 and 10.

In top MBA entrance exams such asCAT, IIFT, MAT, ATMA and MAH-CET, the Quantitative Aptitude section appears as a separate section, while inXAT, CMAT and SNAP, it is clubbed together with Data Interpretation.

Quantitative Aptitude Syllabus

Components of Quantitative Aptitude

Quantitative Aptitude Syllabus for MBA Preparation

The Quantitative Aptitude syllabus of all the MBA entrance exams cover the following topics. Candidates from non-Mathematics background should startQuantitative Aptitude preparationwith basics for which, they can refer to school-level NCERT Mathematics books.

QA TopicsChapters
ArithmeticNumbers, Percentage, Profit & Loss, Simple and Compound Interest, Ratio, Proportionality, Time-Distance, Time-Work, Mixtures, Averages, Partnership
AlgebraBasic Algebraic Formulae, Linear Equations, Quadratic Equations, Roots, Maxima & Minima, Inequalities, Logarithm, Functions, Modifications of Graphs, Problems on Ages, Number of Integer Solutions, Smallest Value in a Maximum Function, etc.
Advance MathematicsPermutation and Combinations, Probability, Set Theory, Progression and Series
GeometryLine, Angles, Triangles, Quadrilaterals, Polygon, Circles, Ares, Volume, Height and Distance, Co-ordinate Geometry, Basic Trigonometry

Best Books for Quantitative Aptitude Preparation

Listed below are some of the most popularbooks for Quantitative Aptitude preparation for MBA entrance exams.

  • NCERT Mathematics books (Class 9-10)
  • How to Prepare for Quantitative Aptitude for the CAT by Arun Sharma
  • Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations by Abhijit Guha
  • Quantitative Aptitude Quantum CAT by Sarvesh Verma
  • Quantitative Aptitude for CAT by Nishit Sinha
  • Quantitative Aptitude by RS Aggarwal

How to Ace Quantitative Aptitude?

Acing Quantitative Aptitude is not easy for this section is calculation intensive and one has to remember numerous formulae accurately. What makes it even more difficult to crack QA is that one has to be an expert at applying the formula to derive the right answer within seconds as you get limited time in the exam.

So, divide your Quantitative Aptitude preparation for MBA entrance exams in three phases.

Phase I: Master the basics

Treat each Quantitative Aptitude individually and start with understanding the basic concept. List out the formulae and properties attached to each one of them. It may not be possible to memorise all the formulae at once, so focus on understanding the fundamentals and application. Break down the steps and simplify the process to understand a question. Use lateral thinking to simplify concepts. Take help from video tutorials. For each Quantitative Aptitude topic, practice 50-60 sample questions to gain a grip over them.

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Phase II: Revise the formulas

Make a document for Quantitative Aptitude formulae. Take out time twice in a week to go through the formulae. Don’t over exert yourself on memorizing each and every formula by heart in one go. Just keep revising at the same pace and soon you’ll remember most of the formulae.

If some rough edges are still there, devote time in practicing sample questions. Use different methods of memorizing formula and develop mental calculation skill. Remember, Quants is all about theory and application. You’ve got to master both.

Phase III: Master speed with accuracy

The third and final phase of Quantitative Aptitude preparation is mastering what you’ve learnt in phase I and II. In this phase, you need to learn how to solve higher difficulty level Quantitative Aptitude questions and with maximum speed and accuracy. Yes, this is the time to practice Mock Tests.

For afull proof Quant preparation, go for mock tests which have variety of questions – from easy to tough, simple to tricky – and analyse each of your performance. Mock test is basically a dry run of the actual exam. It prepares you to solve 30-40 questions within a limited period with maximum accuracy.

Quantitative Aptitude Weightage in Top MBA Entrance Exams

Listed below are some of the top MBA entrance exams and weightage of their Quantitative Aptitude section.

MBA ExamNumber of QuestionsTotal Marks

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